The Michael - Ea - Rainbow Warrior Eagle Star Knowledge Journal Pt.1
The Michael - Ea - Rainbow Warrior Eagle Star Knowledge Journal Pt.1

What you are about to read is these personal un-edited journals of mine, Please keep in mind I am not a writer so please excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes.
Imagine this if you will.
You experience strange ET Contact & happenings your entire life.
"They" begin to communicate through telepathy leading you to Cosmic Spiritual Truths regarding how Thought Create Reality subject matter.
They begin to reveal themselves in the Physical in Orbs Of Light/Plasma over Lake Erie.
They allow you to film them.
Your footage goes viral gaining worldwide attention.
Your footage lands you on a prime time TV show. On the episode, They decide to test your blood and it is revealed you do not have normal human blood, The UFO Hunters Team uncover a very rare blood anomaly/bloodline that the world's best military and civilian doctors are at a loss to explain?
The host of the show Legendary UFO Researcher Bill Birnes goes on to say "I've got a funny feeling that you are being recruited and there is a branch of the government that you're being recruited for - that somehow, some way, you are a hybrid between "ET" and humans. And they are giving you a course of study preparing you to meet your ET higher self."
Soon After the airing of this show You are indeed contacted by this branch of the government called the Labyrinth Group and offered a course of study.
Then you are met by beings claiming to be ET's and and these beings announce themselves as the Anunnaki, which is a term at that point in time you didn't even know the meaning of.
These Anunnaki tell you that you yourself are an Anunnaki incarnated into the Nephilim "Royal" Human/Anunnaki Hybrid Bloodline?
And then this secret branch of the government begins to inform and guide you to information to make sense out of all of this?
Welcome to my world!
Let me tell you a little about myself, I am a musician, filmographer and UFO experiencer. I have been told my footage of the Lake Erie UFO's has created a Billy Meier like buzz!
In my home state of Ohio, I have been cataloging video after video of UFO's over Lake Erie. What makes these different than most sightings is that the phenomena consists almost entirely of 'Pulsating orb's of light' characteristics. Unusual lights seen changing colors, converging, and moving into formations, triangles, and separating over the lake.
Stories of the unexplained phenomena date back over 150 years to the indigenous tribes. My Lake Erie UFO footage has been featured on Fox News, CBS News, CNN, Coast to Coast AM,, and in the feature film's "UFO's unplugged with Dan Aykroyd", And David Sereda's latest film From Here To Andromeda which I also co-produced. I've most recently been featured on the History Channel's "UFO's Hunters" show episode "Alien Contact" and filmed a pilot for a Alien/UFO based show for Spike TV in 2012 that was never aired for various reasons.
I guess the question is how I have all this UFO footage?
The answer is these being from higher realms, Some would call them ET”S, They are in contact with me Telepathically and nudge me to be at a certain place certain time and sure enough, they show up and I film them.
The actual filming of their craft is a new phase, Up till now, I have been educated, during my "awakening", on the whole mental energy/Beliefs creating reality bed of knowledge, It is cool that this same bed of knowledge is making it to the masses through films such as "The Secret" and "What the bleep do we know".
Around 4 years ago, Me & a friend were in my back yard which is very close to the shores of Lake Erie, Around a couple hundred feet away I would say, we both witnessed a UFO right along the shore line, I didn't get that craft on film but it sparked my curiosity to go down to the lake with a video camera and try and see if I could catch something on film. I have been going down to the lake ever since then, on any chance I get and I always bring my camera and a tripod with me.
I always get excited when they show up still too this day, I don't think these craft are ours, A recent newspaper article actually traced this Phenomenon over Lake Erie back into the 1800's, If they have been around here for that long, perhaps they are not from elsewhere but perhaps they exist and have been existing right here on Planet Earth right along side of us in a higher dimension than our own right here on planet Earth and occasionally allow themselves to be seen? Perhaps this planet has been theirs all along, I don't know.
Right during that same time frame, A horrible tragedy happened, My Aunt Ruth was murdered by her most recent 2nd Husband, That caused me to hit a wall mentally, she had just moved in with my parents and I just really got to really know her when she he went to my parents house and shot her. I cried out to the universe for answers, at that point in my life I Agnostic and very into science.
These Beings from higher realms evidently heard my genuine plea for some higher truth but they didn't just give me the answers, Instead I began to have a thirst for knowledge that I really can’t explain, I realistically read hundreds of books in a span of a few years, I became a student of the Seth Material & read every single Seth Book, That was all in the late 90's. I also began being obsessed with the UFO subject and read anything I could get my hands on. I began to experience strange coincidence and synchronicity that would lead me to very specific beds of Spiritual Information such as the Seth Material channeled by Jane Roberts, Deepak Chopra, The Wingmakers, Gregg Braden, Saint Germain, the Dalai Lama, Etc.
I began to realize and really understand that our own mental energy, our Belief Systems (Thought, Feelings, and Emotions) create our personal realities.
I came to learn that at the end period of the Earth's 26,000 year "Processional Cycle," Earth's magnetic field will decline and that humanity will begins to experience it's own mental energy with less and less of a time lag. Our collective and individual realities are created from our own thoughts and the Earth's magnetic field acts sort of like training wheels for our consciousness. The stronger the Earth's magnetic field, the more of a time lag there is between thought and the manifestation of thought.
We are entering into higher realms of consciousness where there is no time lag between the thought and the experience of that thought, Our entire way of perceiving time will change so you can understand why it is so important to get a grip on your mental processes. If you harbor any negativity or fear, you will just create those situations endlessly, but there are always guides to help you out of your self-created prison. Nobody is ever left behind. All get it eventually, but in their own way and their own time.
During the shift, ALL consciousness moves up a rung on the ladder of consciousness, this cycle usually ends in massive Earth changes, very unusual weather patterns, earthquakes, floods leading up to what scientists are calling a Pole Shift where Earth’s crust actually slips and the poles relocate to the equator. This is what has happened the in the past history but I am told this will not happen this time, That we have evolved to a high enough state of consciousness there is now a very bright possible outcome for the whole human race, we need only choose that path of Love over Fear. But there will be many Earth changes as the planet gets into the best position for it's own ascension into the next higher realm of consciousness for all involved.
Our physical 3rd dimensional reality can be thought of as a school of sorts, for the soul to learn to use mental energy in a responsible way. Your beliefs (belief = thoughts, feelings, & emotions) create your reality. Humans are really only capable of two pure emotions, Love & Fear, and we are able to experience both to whatever level we choose.
If you harbor any negativity or fear, you will just create those situations endlessly, but there are always guides to help you out of your self-created prison. Nobody is ever left behind. All get it eventually, but in their own way and their own time.
I believe our current civilization is on the right path. Sure, things look pretty ugly out there right now, but there are a lot of different level souls manifested here and some still harbor much fear. They will soon get a crash course on love In the form official contact with our Space Brothers & Sisters and our society will get it’s long overdue overall into a new galactic Human society.
Be mindful of where you place your thoughts, because there is a direct correlation between what you think and what you experience as your normal everyday physical reality & personal life, they are one in the same. We do not observe reality, we are interacting with it.
These being communicated a concept to me which I named the Frozen Thought Theory that particles light exist whose vibrations are faster than our speed of light. These Faster then light particles when slowed to the speed of “our” speed of light solidify into what we perceive as physical matter. Much in the same way water can go from a solid to a liquid to a gas or from a gas to a liquid to a solid through what are called a phase changes.
The slowing down of this faster-than-light particle is controlled by our own consciousness!
Whatever you concentrate on, or focus on, determines the reality you perceive!
Therefore, the universe can be literally thought of as your own thought, frozen into physical matter, pure divine energy transformed into physical reality. A universe faithfully and lovingly mirroring back to you whatever your own thoughts and beliefs are about it, regardless of which polarity your current beliefs fall into...
Fear or Love?
This truth has been there all along, in plain view. It's what all the great spiritual leaders, mystics, and sages down through the ages have been telling us. Consciousness creates reality. It's what quantum physics tells us. It's what channeled ET & what higher consciousness material such as "The Seth Material" tells us – it's also what Yoda said!
It would then be of great benefit & value to actually think about what you are thinking about. Learn to change your thought, learn to change your reality. Learn to become aware of what you are thinking. Then always try to choose the highest thought, anything else just leads back into the illusion. It is the path out of fear & darkness.
Once you change one thought and experience first-hand that your reality does actually change, there is no going back. And that is a truth nobody can ever take from you. A truth that comes from inside, no books, or religions needed.
I was told by these guides, some might call them extra terrestrials, that I was here to spread this "spiritual" bed of information through vibration (Music) and when I learned and understood the concepts I just shared with you. They said I would be put into a position where my message would reach the masses. If I only had the courage to step out of my old life, that the doors would open that I needed to open, & I would meet the people I needed to meet to make my own "dreams" become reality, and effortlessly.
I left my Job of 14 Years in the year 2000 & I just gave myself over to whatever the Universe had in store for me, I just began worked on my Music 24/7 .
I remember thinking my future is now wide open....I felt a freedom I hadn’t felt since childhood, At my old Job, I had worked my way up through the company ladder into a very cushy Manager Position making very good money, But when I thought of the future I knew when I was 60, I would be a manager there, perhaps making huge cash, but that little daydream left me with a horrible feeling, I could imagine myself thinking in the future "I wonder what is I would have given my dream of being a musician a chance?"
Back to the Lake Erie UFO’s, These beings have made it very clear to me that they know I am filming them. When I go down to the beach now, I expect them to show up, and they never have let me down, , Some nights, the sky is just filled from as far as I can see left to right over the lake stretching the whole horizon. Some nights there is no activity art all and I figure they must be off doing some important work elsewhere and I just enjoy the night.
If I was more ready by having a camera being set up & ready to go, I would have captured some things on film that nobody would have ever believed.
They have sent small plasma probe to my house that would fit in the palm of your hand and had a dumbbell shape to it that seemed to be made out of a continuous piece of very bright colored purple plasma Ball Lighting like material that had been created in a very high tech mad scientists laboratory somewhere, It truly looked manufactured and also alien. I remember it looking like it had an outer coating of seamless very fine crystal glass.
These being have put on displays for me out over the lake that have left me breathless, A Orb of light manifested 50 feet right over my head in the summer 2007 and was the size of a small hot air balloon, It looked like a miniature sun and just as bright but it gave off no heat and it never made a sound. I couldn’t get the camera out in time, I didn’t really even try, It happened so fast, It just popped in from nowhere and stayed for about 8 seconds and then just disappeared. It looked exactly like the ORBS I have captured on film, Just a lot closer front row seat….so to speak.
I have been witnessing and filming this phenomenon over lake Erie for years now. Mostly what I see if single small hot air balloon sized multi colored orbs made of what looks like Light/fire or plasma. Sometimes they are paired up in a dual Orb configuration, Sometimes there are three balls of light in a triangle formation. Sometimes there are multiple Orbs that seem to fly in formation, Sometimes they appear in a small fleet, I have also filmed them entering and leaving the lake!
One of these Orbs/Balls of Light/Plasma recently flew off the lake and hovered over a peace Rally in Downtown Cleveland in March of 2007 for 25 minutes. and hundreds of people witnessed it, a few people even captured the Cleveland “Peace” ORB on video and this UFO event made it on the Local CBS News, That broadcast is up on Youtube for those who would like to see it.
I was then Contacted by the History Channel due to my Lake Erie UFO's going Viral on Youtube, with now over 3.7 million Channel views as of 2014!
The History Channel - UFO Hunters: Evidence: Michael Lee Hill & Alien Contact! UFO Hunters takes a closer look at footage of mysterious orbs or light off the shores of Lake Erie.
Bill Birnes * (UFO Hunters - History Channel - NY Times Best Selling Author) Reveales Lake Erie Contactee MLH Is A Human/ET "Hybrid"!
Michael Lee Hill captures footage of mysterious orbs of light hovering over Lake Erie - in an area that is a no-fly zone. Did he capture a UFO on tape? The UFO Hunters team looks into the case, and hears Hill's incredible testimony.
On the episode, the UFO Hunters decide to test Michael Lee Hill's blood and it is revealed Michael has a "Unknown" very rare blood anomaly/bloodline that the world’s best military and civilian doctors are at a loss to explain. A Harvard Professor uncovered elevated non-human levels of Creatine Kinase in Michael's Blood stream.
Creatine Kinase brings oxygen into the bloodstream to usually facilitate healing of torn muscle tissue. Oxygen carrying capacity in blood equals percentage potential of nervous system usage and your bodies over all potential electrical capacitance ability.
One could think of this as extra energy as Chi or life force.
"I've got a funny feeling," Bill Birnes told Copeland and Hill during the episode, "that you are being recruited and there is a branch of the government that you're being recruited for - that somehow, some way, you are a hybrid between "ET" and humans."
"Of all the episodes in season 1 (UFO Hunters) it was the "Alien Contact" episode that, I believe, defined the show. The "Alien Contact" Episode became the the essence of UFO Hunters. Also Ironically enough, it was that same moment in episode 109 "Alien Contact" that got the show renewed for a second season. If you watch the show you know what I am talking about: The moment I turned to Terrell Copeland and suggested he was an alien hybrid. At which point Pat Uskert freaked out" - William Birnes (From UFO Hunters Book One)
By the way, the Government seems to be interested into looking into people who have this high CK blood anomaly, The following was sent to me by a member of the Military.
I just watched the episode of UFO Hunters that featured Terrell
Copeland. I was discharged from military service for the same rare blood disorder.
My military career was strange. There were always off the wall
reasons why I would be singled out to submit blood for testing or have a random physical. At one point I was being tested weekly. I felt fine. I didn't really understand the reason for the tests. The doctor would always ask me if I was feeling well and I would always say "yes".
Eventually a van load of chiefs and a few officers came to my barracks and apprehended me in the middle of the night. They never told me anything.
They literally grabbed me and took me to the van. I was taken to the hospital and strapped down. I was made unconscious. I don't exactly know how long I was out but when I awoke, I was hospitalized for 3 more days.
During the 3 days I was hooked to a baking soda IV to lower my CK levels. They were reported to be in excess of 33k. I was supposed to transfer On one of the days I was hospitalized. When I got out I went directly to get new orders and transferred. I never mentioned the incident to anyone until later in my career when I started having serious symptoms.
Today the never gave me a true reading of my CK levels they just say it's 2000+. I don't know if there is any connection between CK levels and UFO contact, but I think it would be a great benefit for me to know more about my disorder. Just like Terrell, they never gave me a reason for my condition. They just eventually gave up and discharged me. Terrell is the only other person I've ever heard of with a similar condition.I would like to compare our symptoms and experiences. I've never seen a UFO but I do feel disconnected from the world at times and I do feel "energy" around me most of the time. I'm intrigued by the possibility of higher beings living on earth but I'm more interested in knowing as much as I can about my health. Can you please send me any info you guys gathered about elevated CK levels or forward my contact info to Terrell.
My Meeting the Anunnaki for the first time.
Regarding my Contact with these beings, I am releasing the following information because I believe it needs to be known....
Please keep in mind that at this time I had no knowledge of the Anunnaki or anything much to do with the Anunnaki, I had never read any Sitchin books or anything like that, so this is written from that view point, I had a face to face meeting with the Ruling "Family" of the Anunnaki, They said they had been known in the past as the Anunnaki and that they wanted to discuss a "Change in Anunnaki Leadership" and the next coarse of action regarding the Human race for the Age of Aquarius, The conversation really dealt with if Humanity was ready for open Contact with the Anunnaki and other Et's.
I must tell you, I have never read much on the Anunnaki, I had heard of Planet X but never gave it much thought really, I figured if it was real, It will one day be present in our Sky, so I took a "time will tell" approach to the whole subject.
Let me explain how this all went down, I was at a Festival called Serious Rising, There was a forest site which had a Round Gazebo that they had named the "I dream of Genie Bottle" because that is what it looked like from the inside, It was a round structure with a round bed inside with beautiful fabrics making up the whole interior, it was actually very disorienting when you got on the inside, sometimes I couldn't find the door back out.
Anyway, He and I return to the Camp site and he immediately says "There are some people waiting in the "Genie Bottle" who have been waiting to meet you.
I thought that was very strange and was excited just who it may be.
I entered the tent and seen two people lounging on the Bed, A Male And Female but what was strange is that I could not see there faces, I don't know if it was the lighting but I could see everything up to there necks then it was all shadow and I could make out no faces at all.
The male asked me to sit down, so I took the Chair/Bean Bag directly in front if their circular couch they were on and He then left the "Genie Bottle" .
The Male asked me to tell a little about myself, He asked me if I had performed any of the ritual's going on at the grounds that night, He asked me if I walked the "Labyrinth" which I didn't and really had no knowledge of what it even was and told him so, he then asked me, Why are you here then? You know what is going on here right? I told him I don't buy into any of this "Ritual" stuff, he then said, that is great, me neither.
He then said recently there was a Young man on that radio show named David Sereda that was talking about testimony from a Senior Scientist from Lockheed Martin who's name was Boyd Bushman, He said this "Boyd Bushman" information being released has upset many insider people, and if I knew anything about this? Well, this freaked me out, first of all that Information was released in my movie "From Here To Andromeda", I told him, yes, I know something about, it's in my film. He seemed really shocked and asked who brought this person to me? Some threats were thrown out towards me & Boyd if I remember correctly.
This leader figure told me he worked with a group of people who decided what will be released to the public regarding the ET subject and that he was an actual family member of the J. Allen Hynek Family and this "family" was still in control of what alien related info is released to the masses on the subject, and he went on to tell me that this Boyd Bushman info was not on the list, He went on to say we had created a lot of problems for them "behind the scenes" and created a lot of finger pointing as to how exactly this information was released. They were super pissed this Boyd Bushman testimony ever made it into the public.
When he asked me how this Andromeda" DVD came into existence?
I told him I willed that DVD into manifestation and I thought it was BS that this info was being withheld from humanity! My response seemed to puzzle him greatly. This Anunnaki leader figure then stated, "Michael, we need to know what you know"
They brought out a wand that had what looked like a bright purple LED at the end of it, and it seemed almost to be kinda like a laser pointer. He pointed it directly at my pineal gland/3rd eye area.
They had what appeared to be shiney flashing instruments and laser pointers and they told me they were going to remove some memory blocks. When they finished which was not painful in any way, I was then told by the male leader figure "I have heard you wanted to meet with us? And that you have filmed our craft flying over Lake Erie?"
A.R. Bordon Indicated the following to me…,"The “mental” procedures you said to have been exposed to, involving light etc., are far more commonly used now and there are other ways besides lie detectors to know whether and what I person does or does not know."
Well this "Mind Probing" changed the whole course of this unfolding meeting. The meeting went from interrogating me over the Boyd Bushman info to all of a sudden this leader figure becoming very excited, Stating, almost shouting Oh my GOD, you are one of us! How did you come to be here? And began asking others present if they knew how it was I was there sitting in front of him? he regained his composure and said "We have been waiting for you to have a council meeting; we can do that right now if you please?"
I said "I have no clue what you are talking about? Regarding what?"
They said it would not be long until there would be another planet visible in our skies and they wanted to talk about what effect we believed this and the Anunnaki revealing themselves would have on humanity?
I was told that this being I was sitting before was a "King" of the Anunnaki. An actual name of this man was never given but after all that went down, my own guess is Marduk of The Anunnaki.
He went on to tell me that he was what is know of as the Anunnaki and that I am also a part of this ruling family and it was a great synchronicity that I was "LED" there because now a meeting could commence between us all, over a "Change in Anunnaki Leadership" and there would be a new time arriving for mankind and a new "Gameplan" needed to be discussed.
The Anunnaki communicated to me their own leadership "kingship" list is all based on the processional cycle and the coming Age of Aquarius would also mark a change in how Anunnaki relate to mankind along with a change in there own leadership.
I believe for a very long time the Anunnaki have been preserving and advancing mankind's consciousness and guiding our evolution into the light & higher realms.
Anu, Elder leader of the Anunnaki said, "While fates we decreed, the hand of destiny at every step directed. The will of the Creator of All is: on Earth and for Earthlings, only emissaries are we. The Earth to the Earthlings belong, to preserve and advance them we were intended."
That time period is now over with the Age of Aquarius they tell me.
They told me the truth of the situation was that another member of the ruling party of the Anunnaki and I had incarnated into this lifetime as Humans in every-way, to be here for these changes.
He then intervened and said I have spoken with Michael Already and he believes as I that humanity is ready for open contact and that humanity should have the chance to evolve into a Galactic society, They are ready. I then spoke up and backed up why I believe the masses are ready for first contact, I told them the exact same thing I have communicated to you already, That I believe that without the bondage from oil & banking families that has kept the human race in survival mode, That humanity would & could reach it's true potential.
He & I teamed up on the "Give Humanity a chance to show their stuff, that we are ready" bandwagon.
This male on the Bed (Marduk) said, If that is what you feel, it must be time. Let's do it, Let's make it so, They agreed they would begin to reveal themselves to the masses, I then said...."When?"
He said obviously we will begin introducing ourselves BEFORE 2012.
This was in the summer of 2008. The History Channel began it's "Ancient Aliens" TV show in 2009!
Near the end of meeting, I asked if I may see their faces, I was told NO, you will see our faces....tomorrow.
I was excited about that because I knew I would meet them again tomorrow.
They then he said now we need to talk about the "change in Anunnaki leadership", I know it sounds crazy but if I did not miss interpret what happened, the Anunnaki Leadership was somehow connected or passed on to me in some way that I have no idea what it actually means, I have no clue, I still don't know how to process all of this.
How I found myself in a meeting with the Anunnaki has pretty much blown my mind and I have spent the whole day today watching documentaries on the subject, I still am at a loss to wrap my head around all of this.
As we left the "Genie Bottle", The Anunnaki He walked over to Marduk who seemed to have tears in his eyes, He put his arm around this man (Marduk) and said with the most loving voice, "Don't worry, now you can finally rest my King."
The male "Anunnaki Leader" guy followed me out and I thought i'm gonna take a peak, so I took the chance to sneak a peak at his face, first off, I noticed he was wearing a glowing (emitting light) white hooded robe and his face was not human, It actually looked almost like fire, "Translucent & wavy" as if not really physical and he also had very sculpted features kinda like a Gargoyle/Human hybrid or something but actually very beautiful, he was not scary looking to me at all.
The next morning I awoke and got out of my tent and poured some water over my head and at that exact moment, I noticed a male and Female walking by my tent on the dirt road and I instantly know that was the Anunnaki Leader Male I seen the previous night only now he looked very Human and he then looked me in the eye and said "Good Morning Commander Michael!"
He now had a human appearance but you could still see the same sculpted facial features but they were subdued and he also had the most radiant blue eyes. We spent much of the next day together, He offered to make me dinner and I took him up on it, The meal was awesome, Lamb with Ocra and a curry sauce. We talked and this man was indeed a beautiful soul, I asked him what should be done about the "Boyd Bushman" info being revealed in my film, he said, "Now that they know you are one of us they will not touch you so don't worry about it."
Q - What do you think Aliens are like and why? (such as friendly, more or less intelligent than us, aggressive, experimental on humans, helping the human race)
A - I think they have been trying to help humanity evolve into the higher realms for a very long time now.
A - The short answer is YES it takes this long
They keep telling me timing is everything.
My Research for you, this information has never been released to humanity.....Yet!
Here is what me and our secret behind the scenes Team formed by the NSA's AR Bordon (SECRET LOCKHEED MARTIN SKUNKWORKS REVERSE ENGINEERING DIVISION) were doing back in 2012 ;-)
AR Bordon was also known as Fifteen or 15
I want to share some pretty crazy stuff I have never shared before, First let me reveal something mind blowing, I will tell you how we survived this event as a human race because myself and 6 others were a part of a secret NSA "Beta Team" mission hand selected by AR Bordon (Secret NSA - Lockheed Martin Skunk Works Reverse Engineering Division) to contact the incoming Anunnaki to help us through these events which happened in 2012 through the present.
This was only one of the missions the "team" was tasked with, we also stopped the Transhumanists steering Hurricane Sandy right into New York back in 2012, and many do not know there was a Earthquake on the Left side of the United States of America during that same 2012 time frame called Earthquake Charlotte (Look it up) This Earthquake had created a 20 foot Tsunami heading straight for Hawaii, it was all over the Mass media news because they it knew it was heading for Hawaii some 3 or 4 hours before hand.
They had sounded a Tsunami warning on Hawaii and had everyone go to higher ground, all of this was on Live TV and they awaited for the 20 foot wall of water to Arrive with camera's waiting to show it to the world.
This 20 foot wall of water was very real, The water tsunami buoys do not lie.
yet no wall of water ever arrived.
I still have have my NSA tasking instructions for every mission including contacting the Anunnaki for help with Nibiru's future transit through our solar system.
AR Bordon communicated to our team that we would be given Tasking Instructions from the NSA on the best Weather data on Hurricane Sandy and Earthquake and Tsunami Charlotte.
AR Bordon said we realize you are not weatherman and these instructions and weather data will make no sense to you but all we need to do is have you place your eyes on it, read every word of it and take in every picture, the Anunnaki will be looking through your eyes and they will know what to do with this data,
I will upload the first 3 pages of this NSA Tasking and Instructions on the 2012 Hurricane Sandy. There is 19 pages in total. as I said any researchers interested in obtaining the entire Tasking and Instructions document, contact me.

Our communications with the Anunnaki and our asking for their assistance during these 2012 Earth Changes missions were successful!
The strength of Hurricane Sandy and Tsunami Charlotte were reduced to almost nothing by the Anunnaki!
I am making any of this available to any UFO researchers that are out there so spread the word to your favorite UFO researchers if you would be so kind to contact me, all they have to do is ask and I will share everything I have.
Let's do this disclosure thing together ;-)
One of the First things the team was tasked with was a message to the Anunnaki for help with our sun which we were told back in 2012 was going through energetic cycles, Solar Weather and solar flares what were off the charts,
It was asked of the Anunnaki to make sure the Earth was not in the path of any of these solar flares,
in 2013 the following was revealed to the world.
Obviously the Anunnaki helped us because we are still here ;-)
In the book of Revelations, there is a very strange sentence: “8:12 The fourth angel sounded, and one third of the sun was struck, and one third of the moon, and one third of the stars; so that one third of them would be darkened, and the day wouldn't shine for one third of it, and the night in the same way. “.
2013, One third of the Sun was struck?
Here is the info on the Earthquake Tsunami the team was tasked on helping with
Also expected to be arriving during this 2012 time frame was a Wave of Cosmic light they news had called a "Galactic Superwave"
This incoming wave was another of the missions the secret NSA "Beta Team" was tasked with regarding obtaining help from the Anunnaki to make this survivable for mankind.
From Nasa regarding this "Cosmic Superwave", the fact that we are even here is proof the Anunnaki are benevolent and are helping mankind more than everyone knows ;-)
This is also the exact same Wave of Light energy the Blue Avians we have been hearing so much about stating they have been stepping down an incoming wave of energy to help mankind acclimate to these higher energies?
Now ya know what is really going on.
Here was the main mission we were tasked with and explains the formation of the Team formed by AR bordon and the work we were originally tasked with.
"Now, LPG-C, the retired Quantum Physicists in southern California, are telling us that Ša.AM.e (Nibiru) is coming in much, much sooner than expected. I will give details about this in the Prophecy Paper very soon, but A.R. sent out an email to all members in his closed email group (in which I'm included), saying that actions are being taken to try to steer the planet slightly off course to prevent a catastrophe on Earth. They say that without alien intervention and their willingness to assist, it would be as bad as the Deluge, 13,500 years ago. They say it will still be bad, even in the best case scenario, unless we start doing something down here on Earth as well. We need to prove ourselves to those 'not from here', they say, showing we are capable of taking care of our own business. All this as a part of a bigger picture, where the Sirians (and other star races as well) supposedly are watching us to see if we are 'mature enough' to go from adolescence to adulthood, or if we still need our 'parents' (read the Sirians) to look after us. Therefore, LPG-C, beginning on September 17, 2012 started a series of precise spiritual exercises, involving a few members of the group. It's being 'supervised' by Dr. A.R. Bordon, chief scientist of LPG-C, being in direct conversation with the involved persons. After a certain amount of time, these meditating people will be exchanged for a group of others in a rotational pattern. These exercises are supposedly helping in steering Ša.AM.e (Nibiru) off course and save Earth. Those people involved in these sessions apparently also get to see that the Ša.AM.i (Anunnaki) are real, and not some made-up alien group." - Wes Penre
Source -
I have been wondering if this Unifying Event could possibly be the Return of the Gods, and if it will happen in late 2012, but I have no way to tell. It could also be a few years into the future. Although, A.R. and LPG-C claim that Nibiru is returning in December this year (2012) and that he and a group of people are currently working to steer the planet off course by following the instructions in the two essays I gave the reader in the previous paper.
Here is a link to those two essays...
He, and one of the participants, which happens to be Michael Lee Hill, both say that they managed to steer Nibiru out of orbit with something like 1°, which sounds like nothing, but is fairly significant. Still, they say, it's not enough, and the work continues. Whether there is any validity to this or not, I will let the future tell." - Wes Penre
Source -
From ( A.R. Bordon (Secret Lockheed Martin Skunkworks Reverse Engineering Division)
Thursday 10 July 2008
Dear Michael:
Thank you for your email today. I just received a copy of what you sent, and decided to reply with a letter directly to you. From where I’m sitting, I hear two Michaels speak out – the musical Michael, which is a musically inclined personna that’s gone through a musical evolution, and the private Michael, which is the one that’s gone through an awakening. Inside, both seem so closely tied that it may or may not be noticeable to you. In here, I’m going to answer to both, and hope that the real Michael (who is the blend of both worlds) understands the words I use in replying to your long note to us, and to me.
You know, these two Michaels have a distinct role to play in this whole crazy thing we are all participating in. I’ve wondered, and had asked Mr.X (Not his real name) more than once, just why is it that you came to us. He pointed out your reply to him when one of us asked whether or not you were sure about doing a concentration with us.
Mr. X and I will be your guides, once you get under way. What I am still trying to grasp is who the group is that is in touch with you, and why did they give you approval to work with us. There are several possibilities as possible answers to those questions. But we’ll save them for much later, at a time when the three of us are together somewhere, somewhen. I say these, as a kind of preface to you, because I am a wide eyed, curious, born-in-Missouri show-me kind of guy. But I also have enough gnosive experiences to know how it all works, why, and what the rules are. Gnosive is a word you’re going to hear and read often from now on, so you might as well get introduced to what it means.
Gnosive is a mode of getting information that uses all, every pore and cell of your body as one huge antenna that sets up interference with fields and fields and more fields not just in our space/time but also in other space/time ratios.
In saying all of this, please also be prepared to ditch and completely discard anything you might have learned about how the human body-mind really works, and expect to have your notions of reality, materiality, spirit, God, and What Is be severely challenged. Many rebel, but I don’t think you will…. Something tells me you won’t.
Gnosive IS our lifeline to anything and everything and everyone else – not just Earth human, but also to other forms of life in the universe. Know-how, knowings, and knowledge we have plenty to offer you. What you do with it is what I stand ready to be surprised and glad and awed.
I now know that all of us Earth humans are intricately woven into a connective tissue-like weave, much more than a network, and much more like a kind of overfunction – spokes to a grand wheel at the center of which is nothing and everything, because all of us together are It. This may sound like just another construction to support the Christian view of a Christ, but it is not. Come to find out, EVERY living form in our known universe (and from other space/time ratios) are organized like that. We’ve known this for over twenty years now, and keep learning how it all works, and why.
Then there are those who are not from here, some of whom are already on planet surface, some already living around where you live and elsewhere in the upper Midwest. They look like you and me, but you can tell they are not from here. The life forms with whom you are connected to and communicate with may well have “representative” or “crew members” already on the surface, in Ohio and other nearby states. This would not surprise me in the least; in fact, by what you described in your email, I would expect it. Let me then give you a capsule view of what we are about, what kind of science we practice, what I believe is the set of reasons ‘they’ sent you here to us, and what my vision is of why you are here.
About us.
Who We Are
We are a germ that was planted in the soil of some minds back in the early ‘80s and germinated in some of us in the later years of that decade. The idea did not come from any of us, but rather from one of ‘them.’ From those small beginnings, we are now still a small group (50+) but we are independent of any organized worldview and control, and we are organized as a cooperative that operates by consensus of all its members. It is a handful to operate, but it keeps us out of the penetration and control of outside forces – if you know what I mean.
The principle is simple: some can be fooled all of the time, all can be fooled part of the time, but not all can be fooled all of the time. In the latter years of the decade of the 90s, we had prima-donnas and egomaniacs who wanted to be the stars, and it almost tore the whole group apart. But, fortunately, everyone saw things for what they were and decided as a group that we did not want that; we wanted all involved and participating according to individual plans and wishes.
Our mission statement is simple: we are here to study what can be said about what Nature is and how she works. The story is continuing to evolve; the whole thing is a work in progress. But we are of one mind about the mission. And we accept help from wherever and whenever it comes, provided the interests and purposes of those sources of help are similar (consonant) to what we see to be the interests of the human race (and not just the controlling forces that now direct and control all significant aspects of our evolution, science, technology, etc.).
We have decided to be wide-eyed about things, especially about those who are not from here. We chose not be label them as aliens, ufonauts, and some of the other words often used to name them. We simple deal with what it, and what is (with the exception of one group) is that they are not from here.
Our Science
One of the things we discovered without intending to is that the universe and all other aspects of it is actually idiomaterial. Idiomaterial means that it is matter and thought and we can’t tell it apart. Life physics (which is what came out of this effort) literally leads us to seek explanations on causation, not just the unification of all forces of nature (as material or standard physics does).
We use a means and method of going out of the body that is technologically supported and allows a person to do that on demand; we called it extension neurosensing (or ENS for short). The theory and technology was developed by some of us. This technology showed us that the world (universe), life (not only biological life but all other forms of life, even non biological ones), God (or what we discovered lays behind the ‘source’ of all energetics in what we came to call the Unum – everything that emanates and finds source at a T [or Thought]-boundary.
This is not just a mathematical construction, but a ‘place’ one can see, some can even visit and survive it as form. And yes, it is a source of infinite love. We have learned much from it and about how Nature is and works in the last twenty or so years. We have also learned a lot about ourselves as individuals and as a species or biological kind (or simply biokind).
As you get started, your are going to be literally bombarded with a whole lot to read and absorb. This will go on for the better part of a year or so. You’ll be expected to write essays to explain what and how you are piecing together the new picture you develop of how things really work. The focus during this first year will be on how Nature works and how we human beings can master the use of what Nature offers us, and all those who are like us who already know much better and much more than us at present. We will encourage you to write well and often, and hope that some of the things you come up with are publishable.
Most of the other Research Fellows are doing just that now, some of whom have already published for all members of the LPG-C Group to read and comment on. You will then have the chance and opportunity to interact with them by phone and by messenger on what they said about what you wrote, and defend, modify and update your point of view. Most everything you read will go a long way toward helping you unlearn what you learned before and what you think you know about the subject(s).
I’m here to tell you that not all is the way it’s cracked out to be. Fox Mulder, the famous FBI agent in The X-Files had a saying on his office wall that said, “The Truth is out there!” under the photo of a UFO. Well, we politely disagree and state categorically that “The Truth is everywhere!” and here you are going to learn to tap into the Truth that is due you by the effort and time you put in seeking it.
One thing that you’ll discover as you move into this new realm of knowledge is that as you learn and evolve, you’ll reach new levels of knowing and know how, and that this comes with new responsibilities and patterns of thinking and behavior. The whole thing is really a kind of personal bootstrapping by the sweat of your brow and the mind that is married to your body.
We say superposed to your body, because they both coexist in the same space/time. And you’ll get to learn and use new languaging systems that involve much more than just words. An example of this you are already experiencing with your extraterrestrial contacts; you have a languaging system that allows you both to communicate with each other, both ways. Eventually, you’ll also experience things in the Unum itself, a realm of space/time ratios in which some of the spatial dimensions are enfolded and create initial problems to a neurosensor just beginning because it creates perceptual effects that are weird to the uninitiated and inexperienced. But that’s all right; with time, wisdom comes and from wisdom new and far more expanded understanding. In the same vein, you’ll also inevitably going to move to, and ultimately grasp and understand the need of something called topological thinking, which to most of us represents the next stage in mental development for the human race on Earth. And you’ll learn how to develop this in yourself, because you’ll need to in order to progress along a path you’ll also realize is there and open to you.
Ultimately, you’ll come to see that everything, literally, is physics – but not a physics that is exclusively material or exclusively noetic (thought), but both – in other words, idiomaterial. This is far beyond even subquantum physics.
You’ll come to see and realize that every cell, indeed, every elementary particle that makes your body particulate, is a black hole and a white hole at the same time, and that this merges everything you are made of with a vacuum (actually a plenum) that is full of energy that constitutes a literal ocean of it. The entire universe, which is but one of seven superdomains, is nothing but particles that emerge from and go back to this plenum in a kind of continuous, neverending Texas two-step dance. And you’ll also discover that there are millions of possible infinities which are intimately and forever connected to what to us is infinitesimal – smaller than the smallest piece of matter. So you’ll get to touch both infinity and the Planck limit – the boundary of the infinitesimal – during your journey with us. And you’ll realize that the human mind is far more powerful than humankind today even fathoms.
Why you Were Led To Us
AR shared the following with me regarding my being contacted by the ACIO:
“ACIO is a technology-handling and technology-R&D grouping with various foci. The part you are interested in is the LB or Labyrinth, which is what Neruda referred to as the place where those who are not from here worked as well. But careful, NOT all of them are SAMs (Anunnaki), there are other groups as well.” – AR Bordon
This is an interesting exercise for us, because we distinctly get it that it has to do with what your friends who are not from here want you to learn and evolve into. You see, right now, they see and sense your good heart and open, connected intention and life giving ways. You also have music in you, but not in the sense of just playing the guitar or composing songs. You see, to create matter, you need music – or more specifically, sounds. Not just any one sound, but specific sound frequencies in combination[13a]. You’ll also learn about this in the course of your concentration. And you’ll learn how to use them to light encode objects out of thin air.
Yes, what we spoke about before, As you said in your biography – synchronicity. And the synchronicities do not end there.
With you comes to all of us new roads, avenues and doors that you already opened for yourself. You’ve already crossed these doors. When these new doors you’ve already crossed become aware of your bootstrapping new self, new interest will arise in what you as part of all of us bring to the world. In that sense, the mission you set for yourself comes to pass, and with you as part of a far larger thing. This also translates into the entertainment as education aspect of this whole thing we are doing means. An act you learn to do and produce will speak a billion words. This will definitely get attention, and it is incontrovertible – you cannot argue with it. And the kind of music you may come to know and write and produce will be nothing like what exists today, because you’ll most likely learn to use the true Pythagorean scale, from which creation itself comes. Think also of the value of getting to know your flying friends by pressing the flesh, as it were. Don’t discount it. Maybe being here is what they hope you will use in getting to that point with them. There is a far larger issue, many new problems and immense opportunity all blended into one phenomenon in that. But this is one phenomenon we will have to participate in very carefully and very intelligently. We are not without contacts in this respect. And much, much more needs to yet be done in this area.
So welcome to the stage, brother. Life will never again be the same for you. Only you can determine and decide if what you’ve chosen was the right thing for you. I suspect strongly it is, but that is not for me to declare with strong emphasis. Funny, though, the stage onto which you’ve jumped in your vision or dream is not the only one where there is a small audience. This one too has an audience of a handful now. But, as the message to me was, Build it and they will come,” said, they will and they are coming. As all the other Research Fellows are finding out now, you too will realize that you’ll learn by teaching others what you develop, evolve into, and become.
Finally, and extremely telling by how you sign off, peace is the basis, the platform, from and through which most of what you’ll learn to become comes through. Without peace, you are quite right to say that fear reigns in the human heart and mind. And that we cannot allow to happen. Our own survival and thrive as a biokind rides on it.
At Peace,
A. R. Bor d on , Ph.D
Managing Scientist
The following is one of the first communications from AR Bordon to myself regarding my blood Anomaly issues revealed on the History Channels “UFO Hunters” show.
“Michael, It is not a complete surprise to any of us that you were a target of trickery, deceit, malfeasance, misuse, abuse, misinformation and disinformation. To top it all off, you’ve chosen a most public life that looks like it’s reflected back to you all of the fears embedded in the human soul from long ago. But, in between all of the horsepucky, you have been fed some manha. But you’ll have to figure out which is which, having chosen the road you are taking. As to your blood anomaly, don’t feel lonesome. There are others like you, people that don’t get sick very easily, who have factors and strange enzymes that look like nanoscience out of some pulp sci-fi novel. And who live very, very long lives, and can appear and disappear at will. No big deal. What is a big deal is what you do with the hand that has been dealt to you.
It is obvious you have gone on a testing spree of latent faculties and were mucked with to see what you’d do and how you’d react.
If someone wanted you dead, you’d be long gone. But that is not what this is about.
What this is about – for you and for all of the observers interested in your trek – is what’s between your ears and in that nervous system of yours fed by the blood others want. And what you are lacking is systematically useful information – about it, about yourself, about your descent, about your own biology, about the faculties you have experienced which have led you to fear and then to new realizations. Living a public life without boundaries and self-imposed limits is like being a candy store yourself and everyone wanting to have a lick at you for the taste (as this woman appeared to be the case, until she essentially cut a piece of your dick for the blood of it), for the experience and for the perceived value of the brand of candy you are.
The world knows now you have something in your blood that makes you different, even without you seriously knowing what it is. Or do you?
Do you know what it is that is so sought after as confirmation of descent?
If not, why not?
If yes, what are you going to do about it (the information)?
And when are you going to stop the world and get off it, like you would a bus, for a while, to take stock of the experiences and of the questions before you?
At Peace,
A. R. Bor d on , Ph.D
Managing Scientist
Below are the documents “First Introduction letter from AR Bordon to Michael Lee Hill”, and “THE-LINK-EXTRATERRESTRIALS-IN-NEAR-EARTH-SPACE-AND-CONTACT-ON-THE-GROUND”, Download below!
“Letter To Michael” – PDF
I have learned since my affiliation with LPG-C that they indeed are working with the AIF (Anunnaki/Corteum) —the same force which is behind the Vedic scriptures. Also, for those who recall how I discussed the role of the character “Fifteen”, or “15”, who was the head of the (former) ultra-secret Labyrinth Group, working with the AIF (Anunnaki/Corteum), it may be of value to know that Dr. Bordon, just before he died, admitted to being this character—Fifteen. There should no longer be any doubt that the WingMakers are working with’s “Anunnaki” team.” – Wes Penre
I can add some confirmation of this news, AR shared the same info with me and I actually went on to do work with AR and the ACIO/labyrinth group through AR Bordon.
Within the ACIO, there are 14 distinct levels of security clearance. Those who are at level 12 and above are aware of the Corteum/Anunnaki Technology Transfer Program (TTP), and they, according to Dr. Neruda, are about 120 in number, and are primarily in India, Belgium, and the United States. There are only 7 who have level 14 clearance, and they are the Directors of Intelligence, Security, Research, Special Projects, Operations, Information Systems, and Communications.
These Directors report to the Executive Director, who is known simply as “Fifteen”, which is the unique classification that is reserved for the head of the ACIO. Fifteen, in the eyes of Dr. Neruda, is the most powerful human on the planet, and what I think he meant by “powerful” is that Fifteen is able to deploy technologies that are well in advance to any that our world’s governments have access to. However, Dr. Neruda portrayed Fifteen and his seven Directors as a benevolent force, not a hostile or controlling force.
The eight people who comprise this inner sanctum of the ACIO are in possession of radical technologies that have been part of the Corteum/Anunnaki TTP. However, there were also other extraterrestrial technologies that had been derived from recoveries of spacecraft or other alien artifacts, including various discoveries contained in ancient texts that had never been revealed before. All of this information and technology has been collected and developed within the ACIO scientific core – all of whom possess clearances of level 12 or higher.
This scientific core is called the Labyrinth Group, and consists of both men and women who have utilized the Corteum/Anunnaki intelligence accelerator technologies to their advantage, and have created a secret organization within the ACIO. When Dr. Neruda was explaining this to me, it got so complicated that I asked him if he could draw me a visual diagram of how all of these organizations worked.
The Labyrinth Group consists of all the personnel within the ACIO that qualify for levels 12, 13, and 14 clearance. Fifteen is the leader of this most secret organization. It was split from the ACIO to enable secrecy from the NSA and lower ranking members of the ACIO, which would facilitate the Labyrinth Group’s agenda to create its own applications of the Corteum/Anunnaki TTP. The Labyrinth Group is in possession of the pure technologies derived from the Corteum/Anunnaki TTP. It takes these technologies and dilutes them to the point where the ACIO or Special Projects Laboratory will sell them to private industry and government agencies, (which includes the military).
This secret organization is the most powerful organization on earth in Dr. Neruda’s opinion, but they do not choose to exercise their power in a way that makes them visible. Thus, their power is only discernible to their members. For about 40 years they have accumulated considerable wealth apart from the NSA’s oversight. They have managed to build their own security technologies that prevent detection from intelligence agencies like the CIA or MI5. They are, for all practical purposes, in total control of their agenda – perhaps this is what makes them a unique organization.
Dr. Neruda had a clearance of level 12 and was still kept from vital information that only the Director level was aware. And it was assumed that even Fifteen kept vital information from his Directors, though this was never a certainty. The symbol used by the Labyrinth Group is four concentric circles. Each circle representing a clearance level (12, 13, 14, 15), and each circle had a unique insight into the agenda of the Labyrinth Group, and its coordination with the Corteum/Anunnaki.
Fifteen was an enigma to everyone within the Labyrinth Group. He had been a physicist before he became the Executive Director of the ACIO. He was a renegade because he never interacted with the protocols and the political environment of academia. He operated outside of the institutions and was selected to be part of the ACIO because of his combination of brainpower, independence, and relative obscurity within scientific circles. He was one of the first to make contact with the Anunnaki and establish communication with them. The Corteum/Anunnaki essentially appointed Fifteen as their liaison to the ACIO, and Fifteen became the first to utilize the intelligence accelerator technologies that the Corteum/Anunnaki initially offered.
These technologies not only enhance cognitive abilities, memory, and higher order thinking skills, but also enhance the consciousness of the individual so that they can utilize the newly gained intelligence in a non-invasive manner. Meaning, they don’t exploit their intelligence for personal gain at the expense of others. This apparent increase in both Fifteen’s IQ and ethical consciousness caused him to create the Labyrinth Group in order to retain the pure-state technologies of the Corteum TTP from the NSA.
What technologies are released to the NSA are diluted forms of the pure-state technology, which are significantly less potent in their military and surveillance applications. What I expected to hear from Dr. Neruda was a secret organization of intelligent, evil elitists – individuals intent on exploitation and control. Why else would they want to hide beneath the cloak of such incredible secrecy?
The answer, according to Dr. Neruda, was surprising. The Labyrinth Group view themselves as the only group with sufficient intellect and technology to develop a specific form of time travel technology. They are essentially focused on this agenda because they desire to prevent future hostilities that they believe will occur unless this technology is developed. The Corteum/Anunnaki is assisting, but despite their considerable intellects, they have been unable to develop this technology.
What I’m about to tell you will seem impossible to believe, but again, I’m only reporting what my notes say based on my initial conversations with Dr. Neruda. He explained to me that there are as many as 12 different extraterrestrial races currently involved in the past, present, and future of earth and its destiny. The ACIO, because of its mission with the NSA, is the most knowledgeable group about the various agendas of these 12 alien races.
I am releasing what I believe to be some serious Extra Terrestrial Disclosure, Regarding proof of Reverse ET Engineering, Ancient Aliens/Wingmakers/Anunnaki.
William Birnes of the History Channel revealed in our recent interview that Colonel Philip Corso of “Day After Roswell” fame stated we almost went to war with Russia during JFK’s presidency and that conflict was settled because somehow, the USA gave the Russian Government the technology for the Russian Mig Fighter Jets Radar systems during our interview I will share below.
So the question then is who gave the Russian Government the US radar technology that Russia & the rest of the world were so far behind on?
Who was involved ya know?
Phazotron Research! and the Omnigon Corporation!
“Much of this was already known to us in the early 90s, several years before Jamisson Neruda let the cat out of the bag to a journalist named Sara. Moreover, as a linguist, Neruda’s direct contributions to the present effort have not extended beyond his initial exposition of the matter in his interviews with Sara and through the website subsequently set up to publicize the findings” – AR Bordon
Source: –
The following information come from
Sarah: “So what can you share with me that corroborates — even to a tiny degree — that the Labyrinth Group might exist?”
Dr. Neruda: “Nothing. There’s nothing you could do to trace things back to the Labyrinth Group. I can’t stress it enough. Our ways of filtering technologies into the private sector are extremely subtle.”
Sarah: “Okay, then. Just give me an example.”
Dr. Neruda: “The Labyrinth Group developed a computer system, which we call ZEMI. Part of the unique characteristics of ZEMI is that its information structure is based on a new form of mathematics for information storage, recombinant encryption, and data compression. It was a mathematics that provided quantum improvements in each of these areas. And we shared it with scientists involved in the design of the MiG-29.”
Dr. Neruda: “No, we never worked with governments directly. In this case, we worked with the Phazotron Research and Production Company in Moscow. We supplied them with an assortment of algorithms, which they in turn adapted for use within their information and fire control radar systems aboard the MiG-29.
“My own research into the reality of these claims my Dr. Neruda” – Michael Lee Hill
The aircraft is equipped with an information and fire control radar system comprising: an N-019 radar developed by Phazotron Research and Production Company, Moscow; an infrared search and track sensor; a laser rangefinder; and a helmet-mounted target designator. For longer-range air combat, the MiG-29 uses radar guidance for the R-27 missile.
Sarah: “Russia? Are you saying the Labyrinth Group works with the Russian government?”
Dr. Neruda: “No, we never worked with governments directly. In this case, we worked with the Phazotron Research and Production Company in Moscow. We supplied them with an assortment of algorithms, which they in turn adapted for use within their information and fire control radar systems aboard the MiG-29. These same algorithms were discovered by American interests and are now being adapted for use in broadband delivery systems for the global market.”
Sarah: “Who’s the American interest? Can you give me names?”
Dr. Neruda: “It’s not a well-known company, but they go under the name of Omnigon, based in San Diego.”
Sarah: “And Omnigon has this technology, which was originally developed by the Labyrinth Group for computer storage, and now they’re using it to build broadband delivery systems? In layperson’s terms, can you tell me what these networks will do?”
Side note – A Patent given to Omnigon Technologies…
Dr. Neruda: “Assuming they use this technology appropriately, it’ll enable Omnigon to embed a significant amount of functionality in the switches of the ATM network and not rely on server-side solutions, which will increase the speed and custom functionality of a network.”
Sarah: “By my definition, that wasn’t in layperson terms. But it doesn’t matter.
“Did the Labyrinth Group create this technology or reverse-engineer it from ET sources?”
Dr. Neruda: “A little of both, actually. They were created within the Labyrinth Group, but some of the initial thinking came from the Zetas, which was reverse-engineered from one of their spacecraft.”
Sarah: “How did the organization in Russia get this technology from the Labyrinth Group?”
Dr. Neruda: “Fifteen knew one of the senior scientists at Phazotron and presented him with the idea. It was a friendly gesture, which he believed would later be useful in recruiting this scientist. This method of sharing creates loyalty and it can be done in such a skillful way that the recipient of the idea can believe it was their idea and not simply given to them.”
Sarah: “But you must track these technologies or how else would you know it ended up in Omnigon’s hands?”
Dr. Neruda: “We have operatives from the intelligence community who feed us information. They’re essentially moles that live within the major government research labs and the military industrial complex. In this case, one of our operatives at General Dynamics brought this to our attention. We even use our Remote Viewing technology to track some of our more advanced technologies that we’ve placed within major syndicates.”
“A. R. Bordon is a retired itinerant scientist, traveling the roads of America in search of people talented in extended human functions. He is a former deputy director of a corporate research centre, former executive director of the American Association of Remote Viewers.”
Source –
Dr. Neruda: Fifteen was approached by the Greys in his role at the ACIO, and they desired to provide a full-scale technology transfer program, but Fifteen turned them down. He had already established a TTP with the Corteum/Anunnaki, and felt that the Greys were too fractured organizationally to make good on their promises. Furthermore, the Corteum/Anunnaki technology was superior in most regards to the Greys — with the possible exception of the Greys’ memory implant and their genetic hybridization technologies.
However, Fifteen and the entire Labyrinth Group carefully considered an alliance with the Greys if for no other reason than to have direct communication with regard to their stated agenda. Fifteen liked to be in the know — so eventually we did establish an alliance, which consisted of a modest information exchange between us. We provided them with access to our information systems relative to genetic populations and their unique predisposition across a variety of criteria including mental, emotional, and physical behaviors; and they provided us with their genetic findings.
The Greys, and most extraterrestrials for that matter, communicate with humans exclusively through a form of telepathy, which we called suggestive telepathy because to us it seemed that the Greys communicated in a such a way that they were trying to lead a conversation to a particular end. In other words, they always had an agenda, and we were never certain if we were a pawn of their agenda or we arrived at conclusions that were indeed our own.
I think that’s why Fifteen didn’t trust the Greys. He felt they used communication to manipulate outcomes to their own best interest in favor of shared interests. And because of this lack of trust, Fifteen refused to form any alliance or TTP that was comprehensive or integral to our operations at either the ACIO or the Labyrinth Group.”
Sarah: “Did the Greys know of the existence of the Labyrinth Group?”
Dr. Neruda: “I don’t believe so. They were generally convinced that humans were not clever enough to cloak their agendas. Our analysis was that the Greys had invasive technologies that gave them a false sense of security as to their enemy’s weaknesses. And I’m not saying that we were enemies, but we never trusted them. And this they undoubtedly knew. They also knew that the ACIO had technologies and intellects that were superior to the mainstream human population, and they had a modicum of respect — perhaps even fear — of our abilities.
“However, we never showed them any of our pure-state technologies or engaged them in deep dialogues concerning cosmology or new physics. They were clearly interested in our information databases and this was their primary agenda with respect to the ACIO. Fifteen was the primary interface with the Greys because they sensed a comparable intellect in him. The Greys looked at Fifteen as the equivalent of our planet’s CEO.”
Sarah: “How did Fifteen become the leader of both the ACIO and the Labyrinth Group?”
Dr. Neruda: “He was the Director of Research in 1958 when the Corteum/Anunnaki first became known to the ACIO. In this position, he was the logical choice to assess their technology and determine its value to the ACIO. The Corteum/Anunnaki instantly took a liking to him, and one of Fifteen’s first decisions was to utilize the Corteum/Anunnaki intelligence accelerator technologies on himself.
I wanted to share a wonderful memory of a dear friend who recently passed away who was known by most people as Dr. AR Bordon or as “Fifteen” to some NSA Insiders.
Here is the only interview AR Bordon ever granted to the public regarding the ET subject from his own unique perspective from deep inside & above the NSA & Military Industrial Complex.
AR Bordon brings a remarkable insight into a wide variety of topics, including the human genome, secret societies, new physics, cosmology, extraterrestrial influence on earth, and the spiritual nature and purpose of humankind.
Ar Bordon’s gave UFO researcher Ed Komarek his permission to post this in order to clear up some misconceptions about him and give folks an idea of what he is about as best I can tell. He said it was accurate and concise.
Ar Bordon (pen name) is the most public individual node in a network of people who have had direct contact with various individual extraterrestrials and groups, both of a human nature and non-human nature. This exopolitical network, in which Ar is a part, has direct face to face and telepathic contact and communication with ETs but is independent of National military and intelligence groups. Its parallel is the emerging exopolitical community that is much larger, but mostly without the extensive direct access to extraterrestrials as does Ar’s network.
This network does liaison with the military and intelligence agencies involving issues of National Security when considered necessary.
The members of this exopolitical network have backgrounds with corporations, military and intelligence agencies, but the group works independently and negotiates as a loosely knit operation to identify and to understand the evolution, motives and agendas of a rather large number of extraterrestrial races and civilizations and their interactions with earth humankind.
These direct interactions include several types of humans that closely resemble us enough to interact with us on the street without us knowing who they are. Other types of humans we would recognize as different from us if met on the street. Types that are not human include several kinds of Greys, several types of beings with Reptilian ancestries and insect ancestries and others including machine intelligences, robots, etc.
The big picture is of a well-populated universe of space faring beings of very diverse nature, some who have taken an interest in Earth affairs for a number of reasons as it is profitable for them to interface with us out of self-interest and cooperative interest. End
“Now keep in mind that I have other friends and associates that like AR Bordon are embedded in networks of relationships that have been built up over a lifetime. This is how people like Clifford Stone and Charles Hall keep up with developments inside and outside of government.” – Ed Komarek
And I am blessed and honored he chose to do that interview with me, and I am honored to have had that opportunity and I am proud to have known AR and consider him a dear friend, Family in fact, a mentor to so many.
Here is that talk between AR Bordon and myself on Other World Radio.
You are missed my friend.
The work the AR Bordon "Beta Team" Secret Space Program" was brought up at the 2011 Link Conference
What is the Link Conference?
"Greetings fellow community members. I felt that you might enjoy a detailed analysis of The Link Conference where up to 57 humans and members of 14 different Extraterrestrial Civilizations meet together for upto 7 days each year on an ET Mothership to discuss the process of Full Disclosure and our human rights as squatters on their planet. You would think that the agenda and proceedings of these critical meetings would get shared with humanity. But no, they want to sought this out all by themselves and deliver to us a done deal when they are ready." - AR Bordon
I was given the "minutes" from the actual 2011 Link Conference by AR Bordon Himself!
This a a rough draft that he got to me right after the Link 2011 Link Conference because he wanted me to have a copy so I know what was discussed.
Little did I know I would be brought into a 7-Member beta group by AR Bordon in 2012 to address these issues brought up at the Link conference in 2011.
I will release that document here,
But please know all issues the Beta Team became involved with were discussed and spoken about at this conference back in 2011!
With out further delay...
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - The 13th Annual Gathering of the Link Association - January 2011 Briefing!
Michael, Below please find capsule of what's so far written for the report on a subject you'll find interesting. This does not go out to the net. Not yet. Please.
(Note, this was written in 2011, AR Bordon gave me his permission to release this document back in 2012 to the world)
I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - The 13th Annual Gathering of the Link association took place between Wednesday 5 January and Friday 14. January, 2011, at an undisclosed location in the southern hemisphere of the American continent. Present were all sitting members of the Link Gathering and 17 observers from 6 observer member biokinds. Present and attending from the Life PhysicsGroup – California were A. R. Bordon, Managing Scientist, Robert B.Solingen, Director of Research, and James T. Traveler, Exopolitical Constituencies and Human Memes.
Sitting members of the Link came from planets and (star systems): BH-5(Beta Hydris), MA-b (Mu Arae), UA-A/ua:c-d (Upsilon Andromedae), DhE-3X(Fomalhaut), HRE-2 (Gliese 86), CnC-c (55 Cancri), HD69830-c (HD69830)[Puppis Constellation], PhE-X (Pollux [twins]), 82E-5 (82 Eridani), 82E-4(82 Eridani), 83L-B/a (83 Leonis) Earth (Sol), and Sa.A.Mi (Nibiru). (Sol).Observer members came from Gliese 581-g, Gliese 581-f, GJ 1214b(OGLE-2005), PSR B1257+12 B (PSR), and two planets from the HD Iota Draconis b and 47 Ursae Majoris systems.
By biokind/biotypes, those present were humanoids (16 different planetorigins), sauroid (eight different planet origins), hybridhumanoid/sauroid (2 different planet origins) and hybrid humanoid/crystalloids (2 different planet origins).
In this Gathering, the Plenum (all members present) focused on several areas of common interests and several other topical areas of particular interest to specific biokind groups present. The general areas of common interest were:
(1) meeting the challenge presented by the passing through aphelion of Sa.A.Mi./Nibiru and its effects on the inner solar system planets,
(2) scientific/technologic measures taken to ameliorate the main- andside-effects of said passing through,
(3) the episodic presence of the itinerant gravitational wavefront passing through the solar system in approximately 22 months, and
(4) the petition of acceptance to the Linkage by the HumanOrg LinkageInsti-tute, as represented by A. R. Bordon before the Plenum, including the global issue of one-connectivity singular set (core or critical massof human beings on Earth aware, available and open to dealing with upcoming events involv-ing extraterrestrial presence, catastrophic and natural-cause events related to the passage of Sa.A.Mi).
Topical areas also dealt within grouping subsets of the present Plenumt otality included the following:
(1) the Sa.A.Mi. contest for hegemony as an overall context for the SAM exercise of measured restraining of surface cadre, including access to communications and face-to-face negotiations with known and potential allies.
(2) Low-intensity conflicts between GovOrg memberships in favor of violent repression and extermination of all off-world membership on the surface and in near Earth space – Issues and useful contexts in which to opendi-alogue to manage and hopefully eliminate possible conflagrations due to official human xenophobic behavior and policies.
(3) Continuing need for expansion of population to resource planetarysites available in all star systems, including Earth (issues of [a]origin-biokind residence, [b] squatter’s rights by any other biokindpresently neither residing on nor originating from Earth, and [c]interbiokind frictions asso-ciated with these expansions. And,
(4) The relationships between onto bioenergetic (biokinds) and onto energetic life forms (without physical/biological body-forms) in exopolitical terms – an issue that is about to concern us directly (asthere are already onto bioenergetic groups as well as onto energetic forms vying for an alignment of Earth with any one of several such life forms.This was a topic of active, energetic participation by us and by those vying to establish client-relationships between us and them.The Gathering came to a close at approximately noon (Pacific Standard Time) (3:00 pm local time) on Friday 14 January, with membership dispersal following the closing ceremony. A grand reception was given by LPG-C afterthe closing ceremony, attended by all Plenum members and some of the Observer Members.--------
B. Scientific/technologic measures taken to ameliorate the main- and side-effects of said passing through
The chief measures devised, aligned and being taken currently a rescientific/technological steps to stabilizing the space medium by means of spacetime/subquantal (S/Sq) stabilizers that work like beacons/monoliths emitting broadband signals as electrostatic/electromagnetic and gravitational fields designed to strengthen the gravitational balance of a planet’s orbit. These are multiple nodal networks of special matter designed and fashioned like Arthur C. Clark’s monoliths in the film version of his 2001 Space Odyssey.
C-SPAN: Buzz Aldrin Reveals Existence of Monolith on Mars Moon:
Youtube Link
These items are located along gravity pathways of all major astronomical objects up to the seventh planetary body from Sol. There are also nodes along all gravitational boundaries between astronomical objects (i.e., Laplace points or boundaries) to further strengthen the gravitational fields of the astronomical objects in question. While new in its use as stability promotion networks, they are said to have performed very well in the last passage some 3,532 years ago (Nibiru/Sa.A.Mi. estimate converted into Earth years).
There is now available data to the inter group consortium managing the system network from each of the major astronomical bodies, including substantial correlatable data from the incoming planetary object to construct an energetic level-appropriate intervention medium which can sustain electrostatic exchanges between the incoming and the four major inner planets without any major gravitational disruptions in orbital pathways, planetary wobble,polar changes, and FTEs (flux transfer event). FTEs are burst of reconnection at the Earth’s magnetopause, i.e., the boundary between terrestrial magnetic field lines and the interplanetary magnetic field. FTEs can be observed either via their signatures (in the magnetic field and plasma distributions) or by the effect they have on the ionosphere (pulsed flows and poleward-moving auroral and radar features). An attempt at using a S/Sq stabilizer on Earth surface has failed to yield results similar to those in interplanetary space, and all attempts at directly affecting current and growing effects of interplanetary electrostatic and electro-gravitational interactions due to proximity effects between the incoming and Earth by means of said stabilizer have been abandoned. It appears that using such stabilizers on Earth surface have a reverse effect on the planetary eco- and weather systems. However, research on Earth continues along similar principles, but using other subquantal applications of electro gravito energetics (EGE) and mainline wormhole connector electroducts (MWCE). (Note of Editor [Tongue-in-cheek]:Nikola, where are you when we need you most?) Some, but not all, of these applications make use of available HAARP and other generative EGEs in conjunction with the Earth’s MWCE. All of these campaigns involve Link Plenum members, who have been sufficiently forthcoming in informing us oftheir existence and results. This issue is also interwoven with the expected gravitational wavefront to pass through the solar system in approximately 22 months from now. It is expected that there will be time/space and space/time effects in ratios in which our solar system exists.
Thus, it is not altogether out of the question to consider that the effects of such a passage may affect all current ameliorative efforts by an effect known as “edit history.” Theoretical and experimental work continues on Earth with regards to cloaking as a means of looking at the edit history of an object. The idea is to create a tunnel through which an object could perform an action – move or change shape, for example – while appearing as though it is doing nothing at all. The intent is to see if the entire planet could be phase shifted onto a parallel timeline to a timeline position after the passage while preserving configurations of desirable activities and technologies in relation to the original objective of said activities and technologies. This is not unlike the effect achieved in the Philadelphia port object translation of a large object (war ship), but on a much more ratio (time/space) encompassing than that achieved by Townsend Brown et al. See Part III for more.----------C. Episodic presence of the itinerant gravitational wavefront passing through the solar system in approximately 22 months.
The current forecast is in the 22 months range. That is, it is expected that the solar system would sustain the passage of an itinerantgravitational wavefront generated by a supernova explosion in the (find source for this) some light-years ago, find source for this as well).This is where things get interesting. A gravity wave is a different sort of animal, as it is not electromagnetic in nature, and does depend upon dark energy for its sustenance and does involve time in a most unexpected of ways.
In the American culture, to speak of time is to imply money and the making of money. In this itinerant gravity wavefront phenomenon, to speak of time is really to speak of sub-quantal energetics in the form of dark energy. This is the inhomogeneous vacuum energy that Vyacheslav Lukich Dyatlovspoke about so ably before our group (LPG-C) over a decade ago. We already knew that gravity is not an electromagnetic force, that the graviton is but a mere assumption, virtual photon carry no gravitational charge, and electromagnetic fields have no gravitational mass. This then leads to the consideration of an isomorphism that holds the gravitational equivalent of a photon, which we on Earth have already dubbed it as the graviphoton. Our Link counterparts have something similar to this, which made discourse quite easy. All of this here is necessary as preview to an understanding of the potential disruptions that could be caused by the itinerant wavefront.
One of the best ways to conceptualize effects of such itinerant wave front moving through solar system space time (which is to say, Earth spacetime also), is to conceptualize it as a wave of a force that expresses motion in both subquantal and spacetime space/time and time/space ratios. When an object moves in spacetime of three dimensions and one dimension of time, we are told the same object causes a forward parting of the subquantal vacuum and leaves a wake behind – a track of discernible turbulence left throughout homogeneous and inhomogeneous vacuum media. Strangely enough,we are told (and we ourselves find gnosive evidence that) matter in space can be both matter and antimatter, depending upon the gravitational lensing we use in observing it. This does not directly play a role in the range of effects we can anticipate from this itinerant wavefront moving through our spacetime/vacuum solar system medium, but it does affect the aftermath of what remains once it creates a wake in passage. (The figureto the right is from an animation of a gravity wave series super imposed ona SPC photo series, and is only a visual aid, not a real wavefront.) In other words, we may at minimum find ourselves reliving moments before the passage as though it never happened before but with us experiencing it as déjà vu. At maximum, the passage may literally induce a sufficiently severe wake such that our medium is momentarily cloaked (as in goneoff-phase) from the rest of our local solar system space/time ratio(internally, this would be much like the “day of the Lord”where-in/when-in time stops completely, such that the Earth/solar system would seem to go through a tunnel and come out at the other end hopefully on the same timeline as when it entered the wake. The operative word here is hopefully. Civilization-III members of the Link Plenum and observer groups have reported in previous annual Gatherings experiences, theirs and those of others known to them, with other like-kind itinerant wavefronts generated by the collapse of stars as supernovae, and the collapse ofblack holes into singularities. Thus, it seems to us from these report sthat this type of as-tronomical seeming anomaly is much more normal that we have heretofore realized here on Earth. See Part III for more on this.
STATEMENT Made by A. R. BORDON Before the Link Plenum on 10 January 2011
I come to you today with a petition in hand. The petition is for Observer Membership at this Link Table for the Linkage Institute International – an initiative of the Life Physics Group – California. There are three members of the Life Physics Group here today – Robert, James, and I. By our initiative, people on Earth are beginning to gather in a group now named the Linkage Institute, using the term linkage as a byword of the process we here and now continue to undergo between all of us, each from different world, every year now for nearly twenty years. Today, now, think of the start of this initiative as a small grain of sand in the vast six billion and more specks of human lives now inhabiting the Earth. With every year, the numbers of members of this Linkage Institute will grow, as words gets out that there is a way to make one’s voice count in our dialogue with all of you. In doing so, we will also uphold and respect the sanctity of Life – sanctity in the meaning of its completeness and wholeness.
As a Linkage Institute, we shall uphold Life by seeking and actively pursuing membership of the Institute to be a 3-percent of the growing total of the population of Earth. We do so to achieve the indexing of the whole of humankind to a system of resonant harmonic unity that is the stage of evolvement necessary for all life forms now at the stage we find ourselves in, in accordance to the physics of life which you have taught us. We seek this indexing of the whole by its 3-percent so we may become a One-Org, which is the present centerpiece and imperative of humankind on Earth – a mandate to the people of Earth who may then speak with one will and one mind before the people of the universe Unum. By this, we recognize Life as It Is.
Robert, James and I – as Members of the Link and as founding members of the Linkage Institute – come before you to ask you to consider this petition. Humankind comes before you, knocking at your door to be let in to sit at your table. Human are yet not a unison in voice and will. We argue here that it will, given more time, and that Life on Earth in human form shall prevail and overcome all vicissitudes and barriers to its harmonic resonance with itself and all life in the universe Unum, for it is written in all of our sacred books and already inscribed in each human heart and mind on all peoples of Earth. Mind our words here and remember them for, as prophecy, we shall fulfill it as spoken here.
What is humankind who comes before you today? Let me speak on our behalf.WHAT AND WHO IS HUMANKIND OF EARTH
We humankind of Earth are a biological kind, much like most of us present here now. We are not client of anyone, nor do we seek clientage from anyone present here or present in the space of the star system to which the planet we are now on belongs. We, members of the Linkage Institute of Earth, seek to come to you as observers to learn and to respectfully be heard. As you already know, we yet do not carry the voice of three percent of our human biokind, but we aim to carry this voice in the future. It is our solemn pledge that we shall, one day, speak as the three percent for the plenum majority of humans not aligned to or belonging in official organizations, which we henceforth know, recognize as, and call official-orgs, government-orgs, or simply gov-orgs. When we speak of these, we speak of those organs constituted as governments or as corporate entities protected by governments. The opposite of these types of associations on Earth are the nongovernmental organizations.
In the parlance of those of us on Earth who have followed the growth and proliferation of nongovernmental organizations since the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, NGOs, their abbreviation in English, have come into being and into play in our common sourcing of assistance to those of us in need on Earth.
We, as Linkage Institute, also do not belong to and do not participate in corporate entities for funding or sustenance, nor do we have any kind of direct or indirect relationship with any Bretton Woods Institutions (known on my planet today as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
Let it be known here and forever that, on Earth, the Linkage Institute is also not a part of, beholden to, or in any way, directly or indirectly, associated with the United Nations.
We must also make clear that, as the Linkage Institute, we are not in any technology transfer, economic assistance, information exchange, or any other kind of clientage arrangement with any member of the Link Plenum or Plenum Observers, do not come before you seeking any such relationship, and wish only to sup up to the table as rightful member of an assembly of life not native to the Earth, which now exist on Earth space and now exerts influence on the affairs of the people, governments, and nongovernmental organizations of Earth.
This, which I spoke of just now, is what we are not. Now, to what we are.
One state of mind we are and represent fully is that of Life in the life form we are as a biokind. We are Life undeniably.
It matters little to us whether a God of our mentation created us, whether those who from heaven to Earth came purposefully panspermed us as new information on our planet now lets us know, or whether we are the product of an evolvement from RNA-DNA which somehow (now matters not how) reached the surface of the Earth we know, inhabit, and own. The fact of the matter is: We Are!
If we claim history as to how we got here, we were once squatters in what now is ours. This is no longer a matter for debate, and a fact you must come to recognize because it is a fact you must also come to grips with. We are undeniable.
You may deny us Observer Membership on this body, and you can deny us longevity and even life. But should you deny us membership now, somehow, somewhere else, somewhen, we will come up and come out again as living biokind, life forms sentient and aware and undeniably connected to each other and a creative force that course through us as it courses through each of you. We may even do so on this planet once again, as we have done so several times before.
The creative force that course through us as it courses through each of you we know and call it God, indivisible and En Pluribus Unum, one in many, for we believe It contains us all as it also contains each of you, whether or not you believe it so. We now know that wisdom without longevity is illogical to our evolvement and progress as a singular biokind, and we are redressing the error made by our progenitors, those whom we know came to Earth to mine its riches and who are our ancestral roots, the founders of our biokind. We know and remember in our cells and in the marrow of our bones their act of creation. We also know and understand the circumstances engendered amongst themselves by their perceived needs. We remember that, too, and while we forgive it now, we also remember it and will not forget. And so we moved onward, to a future only we can craft for ourselves.
In pursuit of this future, we come here before you to say to you, “Let us in, for we rightfully belong here.”
What say you, one and all?
We ask for an answer with all respect due to brothers and sisters made by the same creator. We stand here to hear your concerns and questions about our preparedness, as we know you have them and expect to hear them from each of you.
We respectfully await them, and you.
Thank you for your attention.
At Peace,
A. R. Bor d on , Ph.D
Managing Scientist
Pentagon Secret UFO program (Bigelow Aerospace) confirming ET presence on Earth and the Michael Lee Hill & Lake Erie UFO’s connection!!!
After my work with the NSA back in 2012, during that same time frame I was approached by the United States Secret Pentagon UFO Program which funded 22 Million Dollars to Bigelow Aerospace. The Bigelow Aerospace Investigator told me they knew I was in contact with the real thing.
The Bigelow Aerospace Investigator (Pentagon Secret UFO Program) told Michael that they knew what the Lake Erie phenomenon is, because it is the exact thing that is happening in Hessdalen, Norway. But not only there; these objects were also flying over Utah Skinwalker Ranch, which is owned by Robert Bigelow! He said that his conclusion regarding these orbs is not that they are what people think and expect, which would be ‘physical metal, nuts & bolts UFOs’, as he put it, but instead more like portals and have to do with time travel. These were Hernandez’ own words, according to Michael Lee Hill. – writer Wes Penre
I try to give credit & names of each source, the actual person the info came from at the end paragraphs that apply, so if you begin wondering why I am writing about myself in 3rd person so just hang on until the end of the info please. I have never written about myself EVER in 3-rd person so if my name comes up it’s not me
“Whatever this is, it’s far more complex than we ever anticipated” Col. John Alexander
“The dimensions of physics are such that I would be quite surprised that in the lifetime of people who are no older than 30 here, we don’t discover some form of life in another universe. -Bill Clinton 2005
“People have been killed. People have been hurt. It’s more than observational kind of data.” Bob Bigelow, following shortly after physicist Stephen Hawking’s warning to avoid the alien extraterrestrials at all cost
“Persons wanting to report UFO/unexplained phenomena activity should contact a UFO/ unexplained phenomena reporting data collection center, such as Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies.” FAA advises Air Traffic Controllers
“Mr. Bigelow did not fund MUFON’s work for BAASS, instead “sponsors” that Bigelow revealed to John Schuessler but not to the other MUFON Board Members put up the money.” James Carrion Former Director of MUFON
“…Mr. Bigelow hired Mufon to try and capture a UFO on the ground so he can back engineering it to transport people in space…This is the truth and no exaggeration!” Denise M. Stoner, Chief Investigator Florida – Mufon State Section Director
The following recent article is interesting because regardless of peoples personal opinions regarding my ET Contact, parts of my story such as being contacted by the Pentagon Secret UFO Program-Bigelow Aerospace, the owners of the now famous Skinwalker Ranch are now being confirmed by the UFO Community and being reported by the likes of the famous “Filer’s Files”. In this new Filer’s Files. It is proven Gary Hernandez did work for Bigelow Aerospace and he’s exactly who I said he was. I find it strange there are people out there thinking I am making this stuff up. I couldn’t make this stuff up if a tried.
“Michael Lee Hill has made some extraordinary claims on many Ufology blogs, web community pages and TV shows but one is very interesting and somewhat plausible. He claims that in 2010 an investigator for Bigelow Aerospace Corporation named Gary Gary Hernandez contacted him concerning his orb sightings requesting that Michael divulge the coordinates of his orb sighting locations. A search of reveals that indeed a Gary Gary Hernandez with an extensive law enforcement background did work for Bigelow as an investigator on “Classified Projects” from 2010 till 2011. The point of all this is that we have a billionaire aerospace tycoon apparently interested in the coordinates in the Lake Erie Orange Orb sightings. If they are just airplanes like MUFON says – why? If Michael Lee Hill is a charlatan – why?” – Robert Spearing, publisher of (Filer’s Files December 3, 2014)
If the claim is true it casts Orange Orbs in a whole new light. Robert Bigelow is a billionaire real estate developer from Nevada that made his fortune with his hotel chain holdings. His aerospace company has launched two modules for the International Space Station. He sees a future for his company in space tourism. Mr. Bigelow also has an interest in UFOs. It stems from childhood when his grandparents were almost killed in their car evading an Orange Orb in their path. His now defunct National Institute for Discovery Science collected UFO sightings (especially Black Triangle sightings) until 2004. In 2009, Mr. Bigelow entered into a much maligned and ill-fated financial partnership with MUFON (a non-profit) which quickly came undone. Mr. Bigelow also owns the infamous Skinwalker Ranch which is a hot bed of cattle mutilations and Orange Orb sightings. And an even more telling fact is that the Federal Aviation Administration now defers UFO sightings by pilots to Bigelow Aerospace. The point of all this is that we have a billionaire aerospace tycoon apparently interested in the coordinates in the Lake Erie Orange Orb sightings. If they are just airplanes like MUFON says – why? If Michael Lee Hill is a charlatan – why? – – Robert Spearing, publisher of (Filer’s Files December 3, 2014)
Thanks to Robert Spearing, publisher of
Read More at © National UFO Center
The following information regarding Bigelows involvement in the Lake Erie UFO’s was revealed by writer Wes Penre
BAASS means ‘Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies’, and sounds like a government organization. However, it is not. It is a company, owned by real estate billionaire Robert Bigelow of Las Vegas, Nevada.[12] In late 2009, Robert Bigelow made a deal with MUFON (the ‘Mutual UFOs Network), which is officially a non-profit organization which investigates UFO sightings. It is one of the largest and oldest UFO organizations in the United States. Bigelow has promised to provide MUFON with whatever they need to find actual hardcore proof of the existence of alien spacecraft (and of course, alien beings). This means, foremost, alien debris of crashed UFOs etc. For many UFO enthusiasts, this is met with both positive and negative responses. Positive in the sense that MUFON now have the funding they need to expand their investigations, and negative in the sense that some feel that MUFON is now owned by Bigelow. And MUFON has been working as an independent research group, allegedly.
However, the above debate is probably not even what is the most relevant. In a policy from the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Order JO 7110.65U with effective date, February 9, 2012, it says under Section 8. Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) Reports:
9-8-1. GENERAL
a. Persons wanting to report UFO/unexplained phenomena activity should contact a UFO/ unexplained phenomena reporting data collection center, such as Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) (voice: 1-877-979-7444 or e-mail:, the National UFO Reporting Center, etc.
b. If concern is expressed that life or property might be endangered, report the activity to the local law enforcement department.[13]
This should be quite concerning for the serious UFO enthusiast and researcher, because it shows a definite link between Robert Bigelow’s BAASS and the Federal Government. So the FAA, as of February 2012, wants us to report UFO sightings to a private company, under the disguise of a very government sounding name (similar to the ‘Federal Reserve’, which is not Federal at all, but privately owned by International bankers, such as the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers). And of course, if we follow the trail, we find MUFON on the other side, collecting funds from Bigelow, who has his government connection. So, privacy and integrity is therefore most likely to go out the window, although I’m sure MUFON hasn’t been working in public interest for many, many years. This is all, as usual, just the tiniest tip of the iceberg.
So, how does Robert Bigelow come into the picture in regards to the Eastlake UFOs?
which is the story line for this paper?
Well, in the midst of all happenings in Michael Lee Hill’s life, he was contacted by Investigator Gary Hernandez, who said he was looking into the Lake Erie phenomenon. In August of 2010, Hernandez sent a message on Michael’s facebook page, inquiring about what Michael knew about the Eastlake UFOs. In short, they communicated some back and forth, and Michael was sharing some information with the investigator, because he wanted the story to come out in the open as much, and as soon as possible.
In November, curiously enough, Investigator Hernandez, in a facebook message I have in my possession, told Michael there were certain things he couldn’t tell him due to the nature of a contract Hernandez had signed. He added, “I don’t want to disappear now!”, indicating that he was at great risk if he told Michael about classified things. A few days after that he wrote: “In regards to BAASS I am the only investigator who has been revealed through the Isles of Capri, Fla., Niagara Falls, Canada , the Lake Erie incident and the skin walker ranch .org website [Wes’ emphasis] under who's [sic] involved (it just so happened that I was an aggresive [sic] investigator and was written about often). If the report is viewed by the screeners I will be identified. I would like to speak about it but we must keep BAASS out of it for it is a keyword in the system.”
Apparently, Hernandez wanted to keep the Skinwalker Ranch in low profile as well, breaking up the web address in several parts (see bold emphasis above). We will discuss that place a little bit as well in a moment, but first, let’s see what he meant when he was telling Michael about being the ‘aggressive investigator’. Let’s back up a little bit.
Eugene Ehrlikh of Cleveland, Ohio, had filmed some UFOs over Lake Erie, and the media got involved in the case, just like it had with Michael Lee Hill. So MUFON thought they should get involved as well, and sent an investigator named Tom Wertmen to the sighting spot. MUFON’s conclusion over what they saw was planet Venus, but they changed their minds saying that what Ehrlikh had filmed was aircraft coming in and out over Lake Erie from Hopkins-Cleveland International Airport. Investigator Wertmen allegedly had spoken to traffic controllers at the airport, but no references or names were disclosed. This event has been documented by Lon Strickler on his blogspot.
MSNBC contacted the FAA and all local Cleveland Airports who said These objects are not in normal flight paths, that none of these objects were anything they were doing and these objects were not showing up on any of the airports radar as well!
Here is that MSNBC News Clip…
Strickler continues to report that both Ehrlikh and Hill simultaneously had filmed the same UFO event over the lake, without any knowledge of each other. Both were then presenting their material on ‘The Alien Agenda’ radio show. A few days later, on April 8, 2010, Ehrlikh was called by someone who introduced himself as an investigator from BAASS, something which was later confirmed as being correct. The caller introduced himself, and although Strickler doesn’t mention him by name, the investigator was Gary Hernandez. Hernandez then demanded that Ehrlikh gave him the exact coordinates where the sighting had taken place, and when Ehrlikh started questioning the caller, Hernandez told him that these lights were not of terrestrial origin, but alien, and that there was big money involved in trying to get this technology. Ehrlikh then hung up the phone. Ehrlikh didn’t have any particular problem, allegedly, to talk to MUFON or some other UFO investigative organization, but like Strickler says, when someone calls, beings quite ‘aggressive’, and demanding information from the witness, it is indeed time to question the motives of the caller.
So, Hernandez is calling both Ehrlikh and Hill to investigate the sighting, and he reveals to the first that this is alien technology that we are seeing in the skies above the lake (and if he is correct, in other parts of the world, too), and that there is a lot of money invested in this. And indeed, although he seems to have had more cold feet when talking to Michael, in the beginning of their communication he hinted at the same thing, saying (and I quote): “In Regards to the Lights over Lake Erie I am not absolutely convinced that they are coming from conventional aircraft. As an investigator I must be completely objective with any UFO reports which has had multiple witnesses. BAASS employees are paid professionals, all the investigators are formal Law enforcement detectives who have a higher level set of skills and experience. MUFON Takes anyone who pays the money and passes the test and works for free. That does not make them a credible source for information for me to except [sic] they’re [sic] conclusion.”
However, as time went by and he apparently got more confident with Michael, he told Michael that they knew what the Lake Erie phenomenon is, because it is the exact thing that is happening in Hessdalen, Norway. But not only there; these object were also flying over Utah Skinwalker Ranch, which is owned by Robert Bigelow! He said that his conclusion regarding these orbs is not that they are what people think and expect, which would be ‘physical metal, nuts & bolts UFOs’, as he put it, but instead more like portals and have to do with time travel. These were Hernandez’ own words, according to Michael Lee Hill. – writer Wes Penre
“In Regards to the Lights over Lake Erie I am not absolutely convinced that they are coming from conventional aircraft. As an investigator I must be completely objective with any UFO reports which has had multiple witnesses. BAASS employees are paid professionals, all the investigators are formal Law enforcement detectives who have a higher level set of skills and experience. MUFON Takes anyone who pays the money and passes the test and works for free. That does not make them a credible source for information for me to except they’re conclusion.” – Gary Hernandez Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies Investigator
UFOs have been appearing in our skies for thousands of years.
But now something new is happening. It is the “Orb Triangle” phenomena.
Orbs of light in a triangle formation are appearing above cities all over the world.
These lights are not airplanes, helicopters, or RC planes. Nor are they balloons with lights, flares, Chinese lanterns, or any sort of freely floating object.
This is clear because they always form a perfect triangle. They are individual “orbs” of light which can and do move independently. Yet often three of them will move into a triangular formation. Other individual orbs will somtimes accompany the triangle.
The Orb Triangles have appeared above New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Detroit, El Paso…
To start with, wouldn’t it be nice to know how much the government know about these Orbs of Light UFOs that they often are so quick at explaining away as military experiments, illusions, chinese lanterns, flares, etc?
In fact, we do know a few things about how much the government knows! First of all, we know that they are aware of that the Lake Erie UFO orb phenomenon is not local for the Great Lake, and secondly, we know that they have been hiding their knowledge about these kinds of UFOs from the public for quite a long time.
How do we know that? We know, because in 2006, the British ‘Ministry of Defence’ (MOD) released some classified UFO files to the public, which can be viewed here:
The British ‘Ministry of Defence’ (MOD)
When we open up the link, the best thing we are perhaps expecting to find is some general UFO document that doesn’t say much, just like it usually is when the government releases information of this nature. However, when opening up the first PDF file, the image hits us right in the face; it’s the exact same orbs that have been sighted, photographed and filmed over Lake Erie!
So the phenomenon is not isolated only to the Great Lakes! And moreover, we can see that there has been a big cover-up in the United States regarding the orbs over Lake Erie, where so-called ‘experts’ have expressed their ‘informed’ opinions about that this can be, when in fact, their knowledge on the subject was there all the time. Instead, they try to make reliable witnesses look like fools.
In the MOD report it says, amongst a lot of other things that are indeed noteworthy:
“That Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP or UFO) Exist is indisputable. Credited with the ability to hover, land, take off, accelerate to astonishing velocities and vanish. They can reportedly alter their direction of flight suddenly and clearly can exhibit aerodynamics characteristics well beyond those of any known aircraft or missile – either manned or unmanned.
The Conditions for the initial formation and sustaining of what are apparently buoyant charged masses (of Plasma), which can form, separate, merge, hover, climb, dive, and accelerate are not completely understood.
Dependent on a color’s temperature and aerosol density, it may be seen visually, either by it self generated plasma color, by reflected light, or silhouette by light blockage and background contrast.
Occasionally and perhaps exceptionally, it seems a field with, undetermined characteristics can exist between certain charged buoyant objects in loose formation, the intervening space between them forms an area, viewed as a shape, often Triangular, from which the reflection of light does not occur. This is a key finding in the attribution of what have frequently been called black “Craft”, often triangular and up to hundreds of feet in length. – The UK Ministry of Defence”
This report is interesting in many ways. Although these lights show up clearly in many videos now posted on YouTube, I wanted to ask Michael Lee Hill how he would describe them. He told me:
“They are beautiful! Imagine a house sized ball of Light/plasma that is pulsating with what seems like the brightest most intense multidimensional colors I have ever seen. They usually appear as a single Orb. Then sometimes that Orb will “divide”, or another 2nd Orb will appear next to the first. Sometimes a third Orb will appear and then all three Orbs will join into a huge triangle formation and create what seems to be one solid Triangular craft. Amazingly enough, the UK Ministry of Defense actually has detailed the behavior of these Lake Erie Orbs of Plasma/Light perfectly!” – Michael Lee Hill
Hessdalen is a central Norwegian small village located in a 9.3 miles (15km) long valley. We find it approximately 75 miles south of a larger Norweigian city, Trondheim. Normally, it would have been quite an insignificant little village, with only 120 people living there, and few people in the world would have known it even existed. However, Hessdalen has been quite well known internationally for occasional occurrences of a “sometimes ominous luminous phenomena called the ‘Hessdalen Lights’. The phenomena is monitored by the ‘Hessdalen AMS [Automatic Measurement Station, editor’s note]
These unusual lights have been reported in Hessdalen since at least back in the 1940s. However, there was a great increase in these sightings over the period of December 1981 until the summer of 1984, when people could apparently see the lights as often as 15-20 times a week. Then the amount of sightings decreased again to a relatively steady amount of 10-20 sightings a year, in average.
The light people see is often bright white or yellow (compare the Eastlake UFOs) and of unknown origin to the villagers and scientists. These lights are “standing or floating above the ground level.”[3] And these are not just flashing lights; they can be seen, sometimes for hours at the time!
Due to the increased sightings in the early 1980s, a research team nick-named ‘Project Hessdalen'[5] was initiated by Dr. Erling Strand in 1983. In 1988, the ‘Hessdalen AMS’, which basically is a research station, was built in the valley. It registers and records the appearance of these lights. Later, the EMBLA program was initiated. It brings together established scientists and students into researching these lights. Leading research institutions are Østfold University College (Norway) and the Italian National Research Council.[4] So it’s obvious that these lights can’t be easily explained. In fact, these research institutions, after almost 30 years of steady research, have no clear idea of what these lights are. In Wikipedia, it gives us a number of bullet points, showing us what some scientists are guessing that it is. However, none of these explanations includes that the lights has some kind of higher consciousness, which is quite apparent to anyone who has ever seen them. Nothing artificial can make loops and patterns like that. There are those who would object and say that nothing we know of could make patterns like that, but the thing is that anyone who is objective to start with will see that these lights are moving around by consciousness. I haven’t watches them on site, but it’s enough to watch them on videos to be able to tell.
One of the remarks a professor does is “where is the power cord; where is the fuel?” And he is nailing it down right to the point; these lights are not moving around with assistance from any known energy source, at least not to mainstream science.
The video presentation, ‘The Portal’ (Multimedia A-3 above) is a 47 minutes long video, filled with very reliable eye witnesses that have all seen similar things. The light phenomena are changing speed, indicating no mass by physical means, and “seems to be able to take on pieces of plasma or energy from the ground while passing by”.[6] The same thing has been reported regarding the Eastlake UFOs. ‘The Portal’ continues the presentation by saying, “The phenomenon seems to radiate energy, due to the light and frequent change of color”.[7] But also, some eye witnesses have, in connection with the sightings, felt the foul smell of sulphur. Apparently, in 2004 the scientists detected the light phenomenon several times, directly above a specific sulphur mine outside the village. “So this mine must be very special”, says one of the interviewed locals of Hessdalen.[8] Although these lights have been seen hovering above the sulphur mine, it’s just another theory, they add. The lights do not follow any fixed pattern, and certainly don’t always hover over sulphur mines.
Figure A-11. The Light Phenomenon over Hessdalen in 2007, around the time of the aurora borealis (snapshot from ‘The Portal’). The exposure time in this photo was 30 sec, and according to the Hessdalen researchers, the best photo ever taken of this phenomenon.
A spectral study has been done as well of the phenomenon, and it’s been shown to contain oxygen, nitrogen, and silica, which in reality means air and dust. But there were also traces of the rare element of scandium, which can only be found in Scandinavia! Scandium is an extremely hard substance which can be found in the production of Soviet hydroplanes. This material is strong enough to cut through ice caps![9] The same material was used in Soviet fighters (and perhaps still is?) The Soviets had developed high-strength weldable aluminum alloys using Scandium. Now, that is interesting, because it’s exactly what has been reported in the Eastlake UFO sightings! Eye witnesses have sometimes heard, sometimes seen (or both), how the UFOs have cut through the ice cap, making a massive sound. The Norwegian research team has now, as mentioned above, expanded their staff to include college students and others, because they need much more manpower to go to the bottom with this interesting phenomenon. It should be mentioned for research purposes that this phenomenon has also been observed in combination with the aurora borealis, starting out around 9:30 in the evening (fig. A-11).
What we’re seeing in the picture is the light starting out with the glowing orb to the left, moving all the way to the right, and back all the way to the left, past the start point. The distance between the far left and far right is estimated to be 10-15km, which is about 5-7 miles. The exposure time from the camera was 30 seconds. What surprises the scientists is when they look at the spectrum at the bottom (made on purpose by the camera lens) it’s continuous over the spectra, from red to violet. The way the spectrum shows up indicates there is no gas or fuel that’s running the ‘engine’ (if any), but it certainly looks like it could be a solid object, they say, or from plasma with high density, or molecular chemical compositions.
At the same time, the phenomenon is registered on radar. The interesting thing with the radar readings is that the object was only seen for a few minutes, but on the radar it registered for 4 hours!
A scientist that’s interviewed in the video is quite curious about the phenomenon, because it acts like a ball of fire, but it doesn’t expand, and in the combustion process, it should expand according to today’s scientific norms. So something must be able to hold that ball of fire together, he says, like a magnetic field; like a plasmoid; a magnetic field that ‘traps’ plasma and keeps it inside the volume of the orb. They are therefore looking for the mechanism that stores the energy, and why this power source is so incredibly powerful in its intensity. And what’s really curious about it is that the orb can keep this plasma trapped and in a powerful density over a long duration of time. This is mainly what the scientists are now trying to find the solution to. The scientist in the interviews ends off on a positive note, saying that this mysterious way of storing energy could be something we humans may be able to use in the future instead of petrol (gas), and nuclear power. He thinks there may be in the atmosphere, a natural storing mechanism not yet understood by science. Can this become the energy source of the future? they speculate.
The idea of extracting energy from thin air (or vacuum), is not new. Already in the 1920s, Nikola Tesla had discovered enormous energy potentials in what he called the ‘flux field’, or the ‘vacuum field’, by some scientists called the ‘plenum’ (in other words, the 96% dark matter and energy, which in alien term is called the ‘KHAA’, meaning ‘breath’). Today, we hear about this as ‘Zero-Point-Energy’. At this point, the narrator in the video says, there is no known way to extract this kind of energy, but suggests that this may be what we are seeing over Hessdalen; someone, or something is able to do just that, and whatever it is, it’s showing us that it’s doing it!
Lastly, the film producer is elaborating on that this could potentially be even bigger than that. Is Hessdalen perhaps a portal to another world, or another reality?
So, what is known so far about the pulsating orbs of light UFOs showing up worldwide? The following is the conclusions from over 25 years of research and after Italian SETI scientists got involved with much more sophisticated equipment:
The phenomenon is identified as a bright flying object with special characteristics making it unique to science.
The phenomenon is more complex and diverse than expected, indicating more than 1 single kind of phenomenon.
The phenomenon is sometimes made up of separate units that may depart and fly away.
The speed varies from still to 8km per second.
The phenomenon changes course in speeds indicating no mass by physical means.
The phenomenon seems to be able to take on pieces of plasma or energy from the ground whilst passing by.
The phenomenon seems to radiate energy due to the light and frequency change of colour.
Many interesting spectra in the optical and radio frequency range have been detected but more data is needed to draw proper conclusions.
These scientific data are quite sensational! We are dealing with a real existing phenomenon which can be observed even though this is difficult.
For a layman it would be convenient to brush these phenomena off as atmospheric balls of light, which do exist and is an atmospheric phenomenon, and therefore moving back and forth on some atmospheric ‘current’, but this is not logical when we observe how the orbs move and the typical, precise formations they are taking. It’s easy to see that it’s not random, and therefore most likely is something controlled by some perhaps higher intelligence.
Listen to what Army Colonel John Alexander says about the conclusion that the Bigelow Skinwalker group have come to regarding who is behind the Skinwalker Ranch phenomenon and the Lake Erie UFO’s?
The Trickster (The Anunnaki)
The Trickster = In mythology, and in the study of folklore and religion, a trickster is a god, goddess, spirit, man, woman, or anthropomorphic animal who exhibits a great degree of intellect or secret knowledge and uses it to play tricks or otherwise disobey normal rules and conventional behavior.
Retired Army Colonel John Alexander was part of a group researchers and scientists who investigated reports of cattle mutilations and other strange occurrence at Skinwalker Ranch. The ranch is located southeast of Ballard, Utah, and was previously known as the Sherman Ranch. For years stories of cattle mutilations, sightings of UFOs, orbs and bigfoot, among other paranormal events, have been reported on the ranch. Dr. John Alexander, a retired U.S. Army Colonel and a leading advocate for the development of non-lethal weapons faces Stanton Friedman, the original civilian investigator of the Roswell incident in this heated debate. Moderated by Danny Sheehan, this deliberation quickly became a hot ticket during the 2011 International UFO Congress.
When I began working with the NSA Remote Viewers/Reverse Engineering group I was made aware of a message from the Anunnaki from back from 1958 featured in (Flying Saucer Review Magazine © November-December 1958)
I shared the message years ago (2011) here as a Facebook Note and it’s grown a life of it’s own which is cool! I will post the original “note” below in the comments section.
I thought it was important because 1st, it’s source which was the Secret NSA faction I had begun working with because of their pro-humanity and anti NWO stance, 2nd I also thought this message was important because this message came LONG before Zecharia Sitchin’s work and it says exactly the same thing Sitchin said much later on down the line.
So that must be a hard pill to swallow for all the Zecharia Sitchin disinfo agents-researchers of late
I will not name names, you know who you are.
Nice to see it making the rounds more & more these days, makes me feel like I accomplished something, Even though nobody knows that I did it. which is fine with me.
“Our principal symbol appears in the religious art of your present civilization and occupies a position of importance upon the great seal of your country. (The United States of America)” – The Anunnaki (From The Anunnaki 1958 message)
“The Anunnaki principal symbol is what is known as the Merkaba, or the Double Tetrahedron, The Star Of David Symbol. Look at the stars above the Eagles head on the great seal of The United States Of America.” – Michael Lee Hill
This is all about how the Merkaba Sacred Geometry is tied to the Flower Of Life and how that ties to the 432 Hz frequency subject and how that knowledge leads to Unlimited Clean Free Energy that Tesla told us about 
An actual message from the Anunnaki – MANKIND IN AMNESIA (Flying Saucer Review Magazine © November-December 1958)
The following message is very important I believe, It’s from 1958, long before the work of Zecharia Sitchin and long before many even knew what an Anunnaki was.
An actual message from the Anunnaki – MANKIND IN AMNESIA (Flying Saucer Review Magazine © November-December 1958)
Exhibit 19) Brinsley Le Poer Trench (Flying Saucer Review Magazine © November-December 1958)
“We are already here, among you. Some of us have always been here, with you, yet apart from, watching, and occasionally guiding you whenever the opportunity arose. Now, however, our numbers have been increased in preparation for a further step in the development of your planet: a step of which you are not yet aware… We have been confused with the gods of many world-religions, although we are not gods, but your fellow creatures, as you will learn directly before many more years have passed. You will find records of our presence in the mysterious symbols of ancient Egypt, where we made ourselves known in order to accomplish certain ends. Our principal symbol appears in the religious art of your present civilization and occupies a position of importance upon the great seal of your country. (The United States of America) It has been preserved in certain secret societies founded originally to keep alive the knowledge of our existence and our intentions toward mankind.”
“We have left you certain landmarks, placed carefully in different parts of the globe, but most prominently in Egypt where we established our headquarters upon the occasion of our last overt, or, as you would say, public appearance. At that time the foundations of your present civilization were ‘laid in the earth’ and the most ancient of your known landmarks established by means that would appear as miraculous to you now as they did to the pre-Egyptians, so many thousands of years ago. Since that time the whole art of building, in stone, has become symbolic, to many of you, of the work in hand—the building of the human race towards its perfection.”
“Your ancestors knew us in those days as preceptors and as friends. Now, through your own efforts, you have almost reached, in your majority, a new step on the long ladder of your liberation. You have been constantly aided by our watchful ‘inspiration’, and hindered only by the difficulties natural to your processes of physical and moral development… ”
“You have lately achieved the means of destroying yourselves. Do not be hasty in your self-congratulation. Yours is not the first civilization to have achieved—and used—such means. Yours will not be the first civilization to be offered the means of preventing that destruction and proceeding, in the full glory of its accumulated knowledge, to establish an era of enlightenment upon the earth.” “However, if you do accept the means offered you, and if you establish such a ‘millennium’ upon the basis of your present accomplishments, yours will be the first civilization to do so.
In a sense they succeeded, but in another sense their failure equaled their success. Human acceptance is, to a very large extent, measurable by human experience. Succeeding generations, who never knew our actual presence, translated the teachings of their elders in the terms of their own experience. For instance, a cross-sectional drawing, much simplified and stylized by many copyings, of one of our traveling machines became the ‘Eye of Horus”, and then other eyes of other gods. Finally, the ancient symbol that was once an accurate representation of an important mechanical device has been given surprising connotations by the modern priesthood of psychology.”
“The important fact is, however, that we are here, among you, and that you, as a world-race, will know it before very much longer! The time is almost ripe but, as with all ripening things, the process may not be hurried artificially without danger of damaging the fruit. There is a right time for every action, and the right time for our revelation of ourselves to your era is approaching.”
“Some of you have seen our ‘advanced guard’ already. You have met us often in the streets of your cities, and you have not noticed us. But when we flash through your skies in the ANCIENT TRADITIONAL VEHICLES [Vimanas, see Exhibit 14, this paper—GJ] you are amazed, and those of you who open your mouths and tell of what you have seen are accounted dupes and fools. Actually you are prophets, seers in the true sense of the word. You in Kansas and Oklahoma, you in Oregon and in California, and Idaho, you know what you have seen: do not be dismayed by meteorologists. Their business is the weather. One of you says, ‘I saw a torpedo-shaped object’. Others report, ‘disc-like objects’, some of you say ‘spherical objects’, or ‘platter-like objects’. You are all reporting correctly and accurately what you saw, and in most cases you are describing the same sort of vehicle.”
“… Now that the art of manufacturing plastic materials has reached a certain perfection among you, perhaps you can imagine a material, almost transparent to the rays of ordinary visible light, yet strong enough to endure the stresses of extremely rapid flight. Look again at the great nebulae, and think of the construction of your own galaxy, and behold the universal examples of what we have found to be the perfect shape for an object which is to travel through what you still fondly refer to as ‘empty’ space.” In the centre of the discus, gyroscopically controlled within a central sphere of the same transparent material, our control rooms revolve freely, accommodating themselves and us to flat or edgewise flight. Both methods are suited to your atmosphere, and when we convert abruptly from one to the other, as we are sometimes obliged to do, and you are watching, OUR MACHINES seem suddenly to appear—or to disappear. At our possible speeds your eyes, untrained and unprepared for the maneuver, do make mistakes—but not the mistakes your scientists so often accuse them of making.”
“We pass over your hilltops in horizontal flight. You see and report a torpedo-shaped object. We pass over, in formation, flying vertically ‘edge-on’… Or we go over at night, jet-slits glowing, and you see an orange disc. In any event you see us, and in any event we do not care. if we chose to remain invisible, we could do so, easily, and, in fact, we have done so almost without exception for hundreds of years. But you must become accustomed to our shapes in your skies, for one day they will be familiar, friendly, and reassuring sights.”
“This time, it is to be hoped that the memory of them, passed on to your children and their children, will be clear and precise. That you will not cause them to forget, as your ancestors forgot, the meaning of the diagrams and the instructions we will leave with you. If you do fail, AS OTHER CIVILIZATIONS HAVE FAILED, we will see your descendants wearing wiring-diagrams for simple machines as amulets, expecting the diagrams to do what their forefathers were taught the completed article would accomplish.
Then their children, forgetting even that much—or little—would preserve the amulet as a general protective device—or as an intellectual curiosity—or perhaps as a religious symbol. Such is the cycle of forgetfulness!”
– The Anunnaki
This “1958 Message From The Anunnaki” fit’s in well with other recent ET related revelations and disclosure as well.
The Anunnaki met with our leaders in 1954 says Retired, Command Sergeant Major, Robert O. Dean! It seems like the 1950’s was a very interesting time of open contact between the Anunnaki and Humanity!
I am beginning to understand that obviously somebody knew Eastlake Ohio was the home of the “Lost Nation” and the first establishment of the mound builders who then became the Iroquois! And recorded that knowledge into in our actual Eastlake street names long ago!As somebody was trying to erase this history from the history books, somebody else was putting the story down into the actual street names in this area, saving it for the future, Now.One of America’s largest Earth Mound complex & pyramids was right here in Eastlake Ohio and this is the location of the first “Mound Builder” culture in the world!
And this Sacred Light & Sound 432 based cosmic physics information is stored in the actual dimensions and blueprint layouts of the Ancient North American Native Indian Mound Builder Sites.
What I am about to reveal is the landing place, the homeland… The “Promised land” of the “Lost Nation” is Eastlake Ohio!
And it was destroyed in the past and a school now sit’s on that land.
What a serious loss and it pisses me off that we destroyed these beautiful Earth Mounds that encoded so much information that is now lost forever.
This marker monument is all that remains at this historical mound site site now
Whittlesey site: Eastlake, Ohio. Already in the 19th Century Charles Whittlesey knew of this artifact-rich site in Eastlake, Ohio. In 1888 Whittlesey described the site as on a river bluff 35 feet high. He observed earthen walls of about 660 feet in length.Bare with me, trying to sort all of this out, As you will see, The Atlantian Nephilim mound builders, arrived in Eastlake Ohio which they titled Tioga, meaning the “Entering Place – Peaceful Valley’’ in Iroquois language.How does this all tie to Anunnaki team good cop & team bad cop? And the revealing of the so called “Lost Nation”?Next into Eastlake Ohio came the Erie IndiansErie indians?
As a whole, the Five (later Six) Nations Iroquois also referred to the Erie Indians as the “Otkons”, or “bad spirits”.Source:…/the-lost-erie…
The Otkon is a broad term for the negative energy, things, beings and or forces that live in the world around us as well as try to penetrate this world from the underworld, the skies or other dimensions of consciousness and reality. Otkon was considered by the Iroquois, an evil energy that could possess, destroy and be focused as a weapon against people, objects and animals.
Some historical accounts have stated that the Mohawks of the Mohawk Valley, believed strongly in the existence of Witchcraft and those who wielded the negative power of Otkon were often said to be influenced by the “Evil Minded One”. This dark archetype was a Satan like being who some said took the form of a reptilian snake man. It was said that the “Evil Minded One” was trying to manifest itself in human form and often tried mating with unsuspecting Iroquois woman.Source:…/the-black-eyed-kids-of-th…/
The most mention the Erie usually get is that a war started between them and the Five Nations Iroquois in 1653 during the Beaver Wars, and by 1656 it was all over and done with and the Erie were no more. The problem is that those “facts” contain only a smidgen of truth.What I am revealing is that Eastlake Ohio is/was the location of that epic Battle between Anunnaki Nephilim Mound Builder light and dark sides!
Eastlake Ohio is the location of a epic dark & light showdown 
Again, not to be blunt but what this means is Eastlake Ohio is also the location of the Iroquois “Peacemaker” story, The Peacemaker was a real Indian Holy Man from the Huron Tribe who crossed Lake Ontario from the Canada side to unite the 5 Iroquois tribes into one confederacy after long years of bloody battles amongst themselves!
The Peacemaker is part of the Iroquois oral tradition. Hiawatha was a strong and articulate Mohawk Native American who was chosen to translate the Peacemaker’s message of unity for the five warring Iroquois nations during the 14th century. This message not only succeeded in uniting the tribes but also forever changed how the Iroquois governed themselves–a blueprint for democracy that would later inspire the authors of the U.S. Constitution.Obviously somebody knew Eastlake Ohio was the home of the “Lost Nation” and the first establishment of the mound builders who then became the Iroquois and Eastlake Ohio is also the location of the Hiawatha & Peacemaker story that succeeded in uniting the Iroquois tribes!
History Repeating itself?As I have said, the entire story has been recorded in a Actual Road map encoded into the street names in Eastlake Ohio and recorded that knowledge into in our actual Eastlake street names long ago!
So much is about to be revealed, Hundreds of years ago when the Peacemaker arrived from the Canada side of Lake Ontario into North America, he somehow united the 5 tribes which became the Iroquois Confederacy who had been at war for generations, no small feat.He did this by uniting the tribes against an Evil Chief Sorcerer named Tadodaho.Tadodaho was said to have “matted and spiky hair”, and that this visage lent itself to legends that he had snakes in his hair. He is said to have had a “twisted body”, and could kill his enemies from a distance without seeing them. Tadodaho ruled with fear, and his people believed him to be a sorcerer. He scared his own people and also threatened other peoples including the Seneca and Cayuga nations. Tadodaho successfully led his Onondagas in raids against the nearby Cayuga people, and also traveled west and attacked the Seneca people.Peace among the nations of the Haudenosaunee was delayed due to fear of Tadodaho. Deganawidah of the Mohawk people and Hayehwatha of the Onondaga desired peace between the Haudenosaunee peoples, and the various chiefs were persuaded, except for Tadodaho, who was seen as a hindrance to the Great Law of Peace.Cool thing is that The History Channel did a great documentary on the Peacemaker Saga and exactly how the Iroquois became united!
The very first Native American Indian Nephilim/Mound Builder site in North America, The location of the New Atlantis revealed!
Edgar Cayce indicated that the largest migration from Atlantis occurred just before 10,000 B.C. The majority of these Atlantean survivors went to the Northeastern coastal areas of America and Canada becoming the Iroquois Native American Tribe of Indians.
It should be recalled that Cayce also stated that not all of the Iroquois were Atlantean. The Atlanteans migrating to the Americas merged with the people already present in America by that time.The Atlanteans became leaders of the tribes and Cayce’s story makes it clear that the Atlanteans had serious disputes among themselves that were reflected in ongoing violent conflict.This was the struggle between the Serpent Clan and Thunderbird Law of One groups. This is confirmed by the Iroquois’ ancient history that tells of constant battles resulting in distant displacements of entire tribes to ensure their survival.Perhaps the most astonishing confirmation of Cayce’s story of ancient America is the presence of haplogroup X. What is known is that the X haplogroup first showed up in America perhaps 34,000 years ago, but its main entry occurred in 10,000 B.C. matching Mr. Cayce’s time frame for Atlantean migrations. The X group also appears to have shown up in ancient Iberia and in the Basques about the same time as well as in the Gobi. These dates match Cayce’s story of the final two destructions of Atlantis and the resulting migrations to these areas.The Artifact below is the Ancient ENKI Morning Star Cross Symbol and it is on an Artifact removed from the Eastlake Oh Mound builder site!Eastlake Ancient ENKI Morning Star Symbol
This ancient structure would have matched in importance of other now famous Ohio Earth Works like the famous Serpent Mound in Western Ohio.
Eastlake, Ohio. Already in the 19th Century Charles Whittlesey knew of this artifact-rich site in Eastlake, Ohio. In 1888 Whittlesey described the site as on a river bluff 35 feet high. He observed earthen walls of about 660 feet in length around the Mound site!Go to mapquest and enter “Lost Nation” Eastlake Ohio, Take “Lost Nation” up until you dead end onto Rt. 283 (Lake Shore BLVD)
lost nation
Hang a left and within 1.5 miles you arrive at the Eastlake 1st Mound Builder site.
Hang a right off of “Lost NAtion” road instead onto Lake Shore BLVD and look what street names you run into right away…..look for the road named Tioga. The Iroquois called this Eastlake Ohio area Tioga which is a Iroquois word that means “Entering Place – Peaceful Valley’’
Then check out the other street names…Cherokee who are Iroquois DNA Cousins!
Next you come to the Iroquois Seneca and Seminole Tribes!
Then the Iroquois Tribe the Mohawk!
And last not but not least the revealing that these tribes make up what are known as the Native American Indian Thunderbird Tribes!
What you will find is where the “Lost Nation” actually went to and what tribes they intermingled into a “Road Map” encoded right into the street names in this Eastlake Area!I have included here a still frame from Google Maps of what I am revealing here…
Obviously somebody knew Eastlake Ohio was the home of the “Lost Nation” and the first establishment of the mound builders who then became the Iroquois! And recorded that knowledge into in our actual Eastlake street names long ago!As somebody was trying to erase this history from the history books, somebody else was putting the story down into the actual street names in this area, saving it for the future, Now.Interesting thoughts I am having regarding who exactly named these roads and when? I am looking into that as we speak.kinda mind blowing huh?This is Earth and humanities true hidden history from the actual Native American record keepers!
The Seneca of the Iroquois ALREADY own their own “Country” right now within NEW YORK in the United States, This is NOT a USA Indian reservation so to speak and not many know this fact.
Also Nine months before its 99-year lease was set to expire, the city of Salamanca, the only city in the nation built on land leased from an Indian reservation, has reached a new rental agreement with the Seneca Indians, officials said today.The agreement calls for a $60 million payment to the Seneca Nation from the Federal and state governments, and for annual lease payments from the city to the Indian nation to increase about 14 times, to $800,000 a year. The new lease would run for 40 years, with an option to renew for another 40 years.Now we know who the Native Americans truly are ask yourself why The United States still to this day allows the Seneca Iroquois these “privileges”?I may incorrect on this but it has been communicated to me the Knights Templar know exactly who the Iroquois Native American Indians are because they brought the Sangreal Holy Grail “Bloodline” to the United States which then became the Iroquois when they fled Israel and became lost, or hidden becoming the fabled Lost Nation.Please let me make something clear, I am not promoting “God’s Chosen People” Agenda as well, I believe they’re are young and old souls here and the acorn is no less significant significant than the giant oak it will become in the creators eyes.Anyhow, Our United States Forefathers went to the Seneca Iroquois Indians to learn from them how to create the Constitution, and the Unites States. And the Templars then became very involved in the creation of the United States.This is a fact.
What nobody knows is The Seneca Iroquois Mound Builder tribe kept there “Homeland” out of public knowledge!I am revealing Eastlake Ohio as our Homeland, The city of Eastlake now is officially announced as being owned by the Iroquois Seneca and I will be meeting with officials and Elders very soon.
Let me explain how the Nephilim Mound Builders have been trying to guide us into the Unlimited Free Energy through the encoding of the most Cosmic Resonant Frequencies related to the 432 Hz frequency through recent Crop Circles and Back through time of the actual dimensions and layout of these Ancient “Mound Builder” sites as well!In 2010 at Poirino, Italy the precise number of “stars” in a crop circle formation picture specified the famous equation Albert Einstein E = mc2 in decimal ASCII code in a Crop Circle.
A similar crop picture which appeared near Poirino, Italy on June 20, 2011 shows at its centre a large seven-pointed star, Even more interestingly, a series of seven rays along the outside of that new crop picture at Poirino are written in eight-bit ASCII code, and seem to identify the crop artist as “Ea” or “Enki”, who was a extra-terrestrial god in ancient Sumeria. According to ancient legends, he and NINGARHSAG created modern humans by hybridizing sperm from the male gods with eggs taken from local aboriginals, already living on Earth tens of thousands of years ago.
The precise ASCII code which was drawn at Poirino goes as follows, reading clockwise around its large seven-pointed star:01000101 E 01100001 a
01000101 E
01101110 n
01101011 k
01101001 i
00100000 space That amazing crop picture also shows a series of “stars” around its seven edges, but it is not clear whether those symbols represent astronomical images around an exploding comet (as for Lane End Down 2005), or rather some clever mathematical code? Counting each set of “stars” individually, we seem to
Q – 3344445?A – uspA1 universal stress protein UspA-like nucleotide-binding protein [ Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032 ] Gene ID: 3344445 It’s a Gene in our Human DNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! check this out!These two Crop Circles encode the most harmonious cosmic frequency harmonics!Let me explain.Todays quantum physicists say that all physical matter consists both at the same time as wave and Particle.The Anunnaki have encoded the most harmonious frequencies related to both Wave and Particle Cosmic Physics in these two crop circles!But E=MC2 does not have a “Frequency/Wave Component in it’s equation. Or does it?E = Energy
M = Mass C = Speed Of LightThe 2010 E=MC2 Crop Circle features a Six-Pointed Star which relates to and is created by a D = 36 Hertz frequency as provable through Cymatics.
D = 36 Hertz frequency Water Cyamtic Image The equivalence of energy (E) and mass (M) is reliant on the speed of light (C) and is described by the famous equation.The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second.Here is the kicker though, 432 Hz squared is the speed of light! (Less than 1% Accuracy)And it’s the 432 Hz based Seven-Pointed Star that is encoded into the Enki-Ea Crop Circle, they are related!So (C) in the Einstien E=MC2 equation can also be thought of as 432 Hz squared, which now brings in the frequency component!
Please take notice that both Crop Circles, A 27 Hz frequency creating the Enki-Ea Seven-Ponted Star, and the D 36 Hz frequency creating the Six-Pointed “E=MC2” fall within these most harmonic numbers frequecies!And they both are related to a 432 HZ Pythagorean tuning or Diaspan!“When Scientists learn that the seven-pointed star has a forward progression and recreates itself infinitely as a whole unit, there will be huge leaps in the progress of man.” – Bear BearcloudWith the Enki Crop Circle we now know Enki of the Anunnaki has been presenting us and guiding us with the importance of 432 HZ and it’s 4 octave below 432 Hz (27 Hz) (Diapason A 432 Hz) in the form of the seven-pointed star which is encoded into the Enki Crop Circle, they even created the babylonian World Map from it!
So the 2010 “E=MC2” crop circle encodes the D 36 Hz (432 Diaspan Related) “Particle/Mass” piece of the equation puzzle.The 2011 Enki-Ea Crop Circle encodes the Wave or Frequency piece of the equation puzzle! pointing towards the cosmic 432 HZ Diaspan frequencies.Check out the Flower Of Life superimposed over the D 36 Hz Six-pointed star Cymatic Image for more proof for your third-eye! blume_des_lebens_1
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla432 Hertz is a harmonic of light frequency it ‘speaks’ or ‘resonates’ directly with our cells. All cells communicate with each other via infrared light so I imagine that when they receive music in 432 Hertz they are in joy. The conscious mind may not be aware of this, but most of what goes on in our bodies is sub conscious, thankfully! You can read more about how all sounds create infra red light in the physics section of our web site CymaScope™ ” – John Stuart Reid (CymaScope)432 Hertz truly can be considered a harmonic of light. Sound in air may be defined as the transfer …of periodic movements between adjacent colliding atoms or molecules. This sonic energy typically expands away from the site of the collisions–at the local speed of sound–as a spherical or bubble-shaped emanation, the surface of which is in a state of radial oscillation. At the point of origin of the sonic bubble an electromagnetic bubble is created by the collisions between the air molecules, because each collision creates friction that releases a small amount of infrared electromagnetism. That magnetism, like the sonic bubble, expands away from source spherically and it is modulated by the sonic periodicities, in much the same way that an amplitude-modulated radio broadcast consists of an electromagnetic carrier that is modulated in amplitude by, say, a person’s voice frequencies. Thus, the relationship between sound and light is real and very much part of the way that nature works. We cannot talk about the 432 Hertz key note without visualizing a 432 Hertz-modulated infrared light bubble.” – John Stuart Reid (CymaScope)Here is what the famous Nassim Haramein (director of research for The Resonance Project) had to say regarding my Cymascope cymatic image of my guitars A =432 Hertz image.
“Universal tuning to 432 Hz makes sense because it creates such incredible resonance naturally in the structure of space as evidenced by this image of a 432Hz frequency being played into a fluid medium and imaged, a process known as Cymatics. The story of how we all ended up tuning the note A to 440Hz is a long one with many different factors coming into play, the point is to move forward with our new knowledge of physics, frequency, vibration and the universe in general and work toward increasing coherency and resonance by tuning our minds and literally our instruments in music to naturally occurring highly resonant frequencies..” – Nassim Haramein
Dear Michael: (From AR Bordon, Secret NSA/ Lockheed Martin Skunkworks Reverse Engineering Division)
Thank you for your email today. I just received a copy of what you sent, and decided to reply with a letter directly to you. From where I am sitting, I hear two Michaels speak out – the musical Michael, which is a musically inclined personna that has gone through a musical evolution, and the private Michael, which is the one that’s gone through an awakening. Inside, both seem so closely tied that it may or may not be noticeable to you. In here, I’m going to answer to both, and hope that the real Michael (who is the blend of both worlds) understands the words I use in replying to your long note to us, and to me. This is an interesting exercise for us, because we distinctly get it that it has to do with what your friends who are not from here want you to learn and evolve into. You see, right now, they see and sense your good heart and open, connected intention and life giving ways. You also have music in you, but not in the sense of just playing the guitar or composing songs. You see, to create matter, you need music – or more specifically, sounds. Not just any one sound, but specific sound frequencies in combination. You’ll also learn about this in the course of your concentration. And you’ll learn how to use them to light encode objects out of thin air. Yes, what we spoke about before, As you said in your biography – synchronicity. And the synchronicities do not end there. With you comes to all of us new roads, avenues and doors that you already opened for yourself. You’ve already crossed these doors. When these new doors you’ve already crossed become aware of your bootstrapping new self, new interest will arise in what you as part of all of us bring to the world. In that sense, the mission you set for yourself comes to pass, and with you as part of a far larger thing. This also translates into the entertainment as education aspect of this whole thing we are doing means. An act you learn to do and produce will speak a billion words. This will definitely get attention, and it is incontrovertible – you cannot argue with it. And the kind of music you may come to know and write and produce will be nothing like what exists today, because you’ll most likely learn to use the true Pythagorean scale, from which creation itself comes. Think also of the value of getting to know your flying friends by pressing the flesh, as it were. Don’t discount it. Maybe being here is what they hope you will use in getting to that point with them. There is a far larger issue, many new problems and immense opportunity all blended into one phenomenon in that. But this is one phenomenon we will have to participate in very carefully and very intelligently. We are not without contacts in this respect. And much, much more needs to yet be done in this area.So welcome to the stage, brother. Life will never again be the same for you. Only you can determine and decide if what you’ve chosen was the right thing for you. I suspect strongly it is, but that is not for me to declare with strong emphasis. Funny, though, the stage onto which you’ve jumped in your vision or dream is not the only one where there is a small audience. This one too has an audience of a handful now. But, as the message to me was, Build it and they will come,” said, they will and they are coming. As all the other Research Fellows are finding out now, you too will realize that you’ll learn by teaching others what you develop, evolve into, and become.” – AR Bordon (Secret NSA/ Lockheed Martin Skunkworks Reverse Engineering Division)
The Anunnaki are communicating Sacred Knowledge through “Encoded” Crop Circles! With the Enki Crop Circle we now know Enki of the Anunnaki has been presenting us and guiding us with the importance of 432 HZ and it’s 4 octave below 432 Hz (27 Hz) (Diapason A 432 Hz) in the form of the seven-pointed star which is encoded into the Enki Crop Circle, and the D 36 Hz frequency creating the Six-Pointed “E=MC2” fall within these most harmonic numbers frequecies! And they both are related to a 432 HZ Pythagorean tuning or Diaspan!Let’s go over the Octaves of A = 432, To get to the octave of any given frequency simply double the frequency so… 432 Hz – Unlocking The Magnificence Of The 3, 6 and 9, The Key To The Universe! 432 Hz = 3,6,9 ! They are two ways of expressing the same thing, the real thing!by Michael Lee Hill“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.” Nikola TeslaWe have been left a method of counting and measurement and the importance of dividing a unit by twelve seems to be the main rule given that has been adopted by humanity, Here are some of the ways that I found twelve to be an important number.12 months
12 hours of clock
12 o’clock is mid day or midnight
12 days of Christmas
12 steps in AA
12 inches to the foot
12 apostles of Christ
12 primary Qi channels in acupuncture
12 constellations of the Zodiac
12 retainers of Sun god, Ra pulls him through
12 gates of the underworld
12 ordeals of Gilgamesh
12 Roman tablets of law
12 Argonauts with Jason
12 tribes of Israel
12 advisors to the Dalai Lama
12 knights of the round Table
12 tribe nation of Native America
12 generals surrounded George Washington
12 notes of the chromatic musical scale
12 – tone music
12 spheres will completely surround one at its center
12 jury members
12 eggs in a dozen
12 grades at school
12 dots on a domino
12 spaces per side of a Backgammon board
12 monkeys (a science fiction story)
12 digits in a bar code (UPC-Universal Product Code)
12 soil classifications (US Agriculture Dept.)
12 dozen to a gross
12 parts to Boy Scout Law-Boy Scout Law. A Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal,Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.
12 stars on European flag
12 faces of a dodecahedron
12 edges of a cube or octahedron
12 vertices or corners of an ocosahedron
12 spokes to a cartwheel
12 stations of the cross
12 the ways in which Wonder Bread is supposed to build strong bodies
12th Night by Shakespeare
12 points in a pica (unit of type measurement)
12 picas to an inch
12 Angry Men (jurors in a play by Reginald Rose)
12 Mormon Apostles (also called Twelve Elders, Twelve Disciples, or Nephrite Twelve)
12 Levels of the Beaufort Scale from measuring wind speed
12 Boxing Categories (from Light Flyweight to Super Heavyweight)
12 Caesars (first twelve emperors of Rome)
12 Face Cards
12 Federal Reserve Banks
12 Historical Books of the Old Testament (books 6-17)
12 Astrological Houses (as in, “the moon is in the seventh house” which is marriage)
12 Imams (prophets recognized by the Shiite Muslims)
12 Labors of Hercules
12 Levels of the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale (for measuring earthquakes)
12 Minor Prophets of the Old Testament (last twelve books of the Old Testament)
12 Olympians (Greek and Roman deities)
12 Softball Player positions
12 Trojan Planets (asteroids in the same orbit as Jupiter)
So what happens when you divide today’s music standard of A=440Hz by 12?440 Hz / 12 = 36.666So what happens when you divide A=432 Hz, known as Verdi’s ‘A’ is an alternative tuning that is mathematically consistent with the universe by 12?432 Hz / 12 = 36I heard it said perfectly that 440 HZ is pretending to be sacred geometry, the 440 Hz is closest one can come to the real thing while still being an impostor.432 Hz / 12 = 3636?3+6=9432 Hz = 3,6,9 ! They are two ways of expressing the same thing, the real thing!
432 Hz / 12 = a perfect 36Why 432 Hz?Why 432 Hz?In 1936 the American Standards Association recommended that the A above middle C be tuned to 440 Hz. This standard was taken up as the International Concert pitch.
Hmmmm….. I wonder why?With the Enki Crop Circle we now know Enki of the Anunnaki has been presenting us and guiding us with the importance of 432 HZ and it’s 4 octave below 432 Hz (27 Hz) (Diapason A 432 Hz) in the form of the seven-pointed star which is encoded into the Enki Crop Circle, and the D 36 Hz frequency creating the Six-Pointed “E=MC2” fall within these most harmonic numbers frequencies!And they both are related to a 432 HZ Pythagorean tuning or Diaspan!Let’s go over the Octaves of A = 432, To get to the octave of any given frequency simply double the frequency so…27 Hz higher Octave is….
54 Hz (27 Hz + 27 Hz)
54 hz + 54 Hz = 108 HZ
108 Hz + 108 Hz = 216 Hz
216 Hz + 216 Hz = 432 HzSo remember the numbers:27 – (4 octaves below a 432 hz)
54 – (3 octaves below a 432 hz)
108 – (2 octaves below a 432 hz)
216 – (1 octaves below a 432 hz)Multiplying prime numbers 36 through 55 by 12 encodes 432 Hz , 444 Hz, 528 Hz, and 660 hz!36 x 12 = 43236.666 X 12 = 440 (Interesting huh?)37 X 12 = 444 (Arcturian frequency – Chief Golden Light Eagle )44 X 12 = 528 !!!!!!!!!!!They are all super related to one another, they are perfect “Musical overtones” of one another!All frequencies are related to being tuned to 432 Hz What if I told you that the Anunnaki not only encoded these most harmonious Cosmic frequencies into these recent Crop Circles and gave us the 60-based mathematical system that led to the creation of the second is not only thousands of years old, it was supposedly “gifted” to humanity from “Heavenly Visitors Who Came From the Skies”……….the Anunnaki!By the way, check out how many seconds is in 12 hours ;-)43,200! or 432What if I told you I have found 100% scientific mathematical proof that the Mound builders were the Annunaki/Human Hybrids known as the Nephilim and that they encoded these exact same most harmonious cosmic frequencies into the actual layout of the Ancient Native American Earth Mounds?“If one should desire to know whether a kingdom is well governed, if its morals are good or bad, the quality of its music will furnish the answer.” – ConfuciusNow how do we tell the world we need to re-set the International Concert pitch to A=432 HZ?A=432 Hz, known as Verdi’s ‘A’ is an alternative tuning that is mathematically consistent with the universe. Music based on 432 Hz transmits beneficial healing energy, because it is a pure tone of math fundamental to nature. There is a theory that the change from 432 Hz to 440 Hz was dictated by Nazi propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels. He used it to make people think and feel a certain manner, and to make them a prisoner of a certain consciousness. Then around 1940 the United States introduced 440 Hz worldwide, and finally in 1953 it became the ISO 16-standard.What is 440 Hz?440 Hz is the unnatural standard tuning frequency, removed from the symmetry of sacred vibrations and overtones that has declared war on the subconscious mind of Western Man. In a paper entitled ‘Musical Cult Control’, Dr. Leonard Horowitz writes: “The music industry features this imposed frequency that is ‘herding’ populations into greater aggression, psycho social agitation, and emotional distress predisposing people to physical illness.”You just have to go out in the street and take a look around. What do you see? School kids, young adults on their way to work, a woman pushing her baby in a stroller, a man walking his dog and what do they all have in common? iPods or MP3 Players! Ingenious, isn’t it?“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola TeslaTPTB, are successfully lowering the vibrations of not only the young generation but the rest of us as well. These destructive frequencies entrain the thoughts towards disruption, disharmony and disunity. Additionally, they also stimulate the controlling organ of the body, the brain, into disharmonious resonance, which ultimately creates disease and war.This is the biggest mystery. For over 25,000 years the Universal Truth was not available to the people of this planetary system. It is now finally being received on this planet. Deep seekers of the truth that are open minded and ready will receive it.Throughout history, numerous clues and hints regarding geometry and frequency have been staring at us, calling to us, and waiting for us to put them into place like pieces of a giant puzzle. Here at the dawn of a new age, this sonic-geometric puzzle is finally nearing completion, revealing the building blocks of a language based on energy, frequency and form.How will we use it? With whom will we be communicating? Now that we know the basics of this new language, maybe we are ready to begin the conversation…. again?The numerical coincidences are too compelling…. All over the world and for thousands of years, humanity has revered certain number sequences: 108,216, 144, 360, 432,528 1080, 2160. But why?What is it about these and many other numbers that jar something so deep within us that we incorporate them into our myths and spiritual beliefs?The answer could be frequency harmonics. We measure sound frequencies in vibration cycles per second, and the numbers listed above – when played as frequencies – just happen to mirror the exact harmonic patterns found in nature. The thing is, the timekeeping unit known as the “second” did not exist until quite recently in our history, so how could our ancestors have known about these harmonies? Here’s where the mystery really gets deep. You see, the 60-based mathematical system that led to the creation of the second is not only thousands of years old, it was supposedly “gifted” to humanity from “Heavenly Visitors Who Came From the Skies”……….the Anunnaki! Please pay attention at how many times 27, 54, 108, 216, shows up, sometimes represented by 270, 540, 1080, or 2160 and also the 660 Hz frequency which comes from multiplying prime number 55 by 12 while in the standard of 36X12=432.Credit for the following research: Fritz ZimmermanThe diameter of the largest henge at Mounds State Park, in Anderson Indiana is 210 feet or 660 feet in circumference.
The distance from the large henge (660 feet in circumference) to the adjoining earthworks that are aligned with the large henge to the winter solstice sunrise are 555 feet ind 666 feet. 555 is a significant number because it represents the “Sacred Marriage” of the Sun and the Earth Mother. 555 X pi = 1746 or the sum total of 666 + 1080 = 1746
The square earthwork located in Winchester has numbers that are symbolic of both the Sun and the Earth Mother. The east west walls are 1320 feet in length (660 X 2 = 1320). The north south walls are 1080 feet. The gateway to the earthwork on the west side is aligned to the summer solstice sunset. The gateway on the east is aligned to the winter solstice sunrise.Several miles to the south of the Winchester works is the square work at Fountain City, Indiana. Each of the walls is 780 feet in length. If you subtract the length of these walls (780) from those at Winchester (1320) you get 540. 540 X 2 =
The two henges at Cambridge City, Indian were 660 feet in circumference. The upper henge is aligned to the summer solstice sunset. The lower henge is aligned to the equinox sunset.
Henge complex in Athens County, Ohio. The henge on the lower right is 210 feet in diameter or 660 feet in circumference. Note, the mounds to the right of the road are positioned like Ursa Minor. This may a clue as to why several of the henges afre aligned to the north.
The sacred via at Piketon, Ohio was 1080 feet in length
These earthworks extended fro the sacred via at Piketon. The separate lengths of 420 and 240 show up in different earthworks. 420 + 240 = 660. The north south wall is 212 feet, significant because 212 X pi = 666.
Highbanks earthwork, in Chillicothe, Ohio. The circle is 1050 feet in diameter. The octagon represents the Earth Mother. The number 8 is symbolic of “creation” in many religions. The octagon itself contains 8 angles each being 135 degrees. 135 X 8 = 1080
North Fork Works, in Chillicothe, Ohio. The two henges are 210 feet in diameter or 660 feet in circumference. The large square is 240 feet in diameter.
A few hundred yards north of the North Fork Works is this large henge that is still visible in this aerial photo. The size of the henge appears to be similar to the large henges or 660 feet in circumference.
Henge locate3d north of Lexington, Kentucky was 555 feet in circumference. 555 X pi = 1746 or the sum total of 666 + 1080. It represents the Holy Union of Opposites, the Sacred Marriage of the Sun and the Earth. An earthwork on an adjoining hill had a wall that was 1080 feet in length.
These four earthworks were located close to one another at Chillicothe, Ohio. The squares all had walls that were 1080 feet in length. The large circles had a diameter of 1720 feet. (215 X 8 = 1720) This adds another frequently found length of 215. It is believed that this number represented the Earth Mother
Seip works, near Chillicothe, on Paint Creek. Central circle was 1720 feet in diameter, the square having walls that were 1080 feet.
Mound and earthworks at Marietta, Ohio. The Large mound was surrounded by a henge that was 215 feet in diameter. The adjoining square work had walls that were 1080 feet in length.40523_147206895298516_6663911_n
“Ah, the Earth Mounds and the pyramids and the Serpent Mound in that valley? It’s all about the Anunnaki being in that area now with evidence going back hundreds of years. You know what’s down below in places in central and southern Ohio? There is an access point to what looked like small cities down and off 75 (Right Patterson Air Force Base). Living quarters carved into soft stone and granite in part. Large round central area. I’d estimate it to be about 200-300 feet below surface.Visited the site with him in 07.”– AR Bordon (Secret Lockheed Martin Skunkworks Reverse Engineering Division) New DNA technology has confirmed the reality of a New DNA Haplogroup X-2a in the Mound Builders who later went on to intertwine into the Iroquois North American Indian Tribes.This is the “real” Anunnaki Nephilim “Holy Grail” Hybrid bloodline that went to America, long ago!
It was not long after my History Channel UFO Hunters show aired in the summer of 2008 I was approached by some interesting people who announced themselves by saying they were once known in our past as the Anunnaki and they wanted to speak with me about my blood anomaly revealed on the History Channel. They told me I was a part of their Hybrid Blood line on this planet called the Nephilim.At that point in my life I had no clue what a Nephilim or Anunnaki even was, this was before the Ancient Aliens show even started in 2009. I remember looking for info on the Anunnaki and I could find very little on the subject back in 2008 but I began to be guided and tutored by both them and a NSA/Lockheed Martin Skunkworks insider who already worked with the Anunnaki in Technology Transfer Programs into related beds of info pertaining to the Anunnaki.
Also remember I did not know of my Iroquois Indian Haplogroup X-2a Heritage at this moment as well. I had not yet met my Biological Mother and had no clue regarding my heritage or nationality due to my being adopted.Interestingly enough I have recently found out that the famous physic Edgar Cayce predicted exactly everything I have just shared with you and how new DNA technology has confirmed the reality of the Mound Builders being the remnants of the Atlanteans who later went on to intertwine into the Ancient North American Indians.So my point is the “real” Anunnaki Nephilim Hybrid bloodline went to America, long ago, All these European secret societies think they have the answers and are the keepers of wisdom over humanity, they don’t have shit, you know where the answers are now? with the North American Indians.Ancient America and Genetic DNA Research –
Edgar Cayce mentioned ancient America in 68 different readings. These readings covered migrations to America, mound builders, the Norse, and other events. In Mound Builders: Edgar Cayce’s Forgotten History of Ancient America(2001), his 68 readings on ancient America were extensively analyzed. From these readings, 30 specific statements were found which could be verified by scientific evidence. Of the 30 statements by Cayce, 23 (or 77%) of them have enough support to be considered accurate. Another six statements are, as yet, not supportable by evidence, but could be verified in the future. Only one statement appears to be wrong. Thus, of all of Cayce’s seemingly impossible statements about ancient America, only 3% are definitely wrong. Of the remainder, 77% have been supported by scientific research, and the 20% that remain could be verified in the future.
Several teams of genetics researchers at prominent American universities have been conducting studies on the DNA of Native Americans. Although results from early studies showed the expected Siberian-Asian ancestry of the majority of modem Native American tribes, things took an unexpected turn in 1997 when it was found that a small percentage of modem Native Americans have an unusual type of DNA then known to exist only in a few locations in Europe and the Middle East. Subsequent research indicated that the European DNA was not the result of genetic mixing after Columbus, as the same DNA was found in the bone of an ancient American burial, confirming that people carrying this unique DNA had entered America in ancient times. This unique gene was also found in a small tribe living in the northern Gobi Desert area. The DNA research initially seemed to promise solid proof of not only where the ancient Americans came from, but also when they came.As might be expected, ancient DNA research has become a highly contentious issue with several competing sides. Most of the DNA research on Native American Indians has been done utilizing mitochondria. Every cell in our body contains hundreds to thousands of these tiny, football-shaped organelles. The mitochondria process glucose (sugar) into a usable form of energy for all of our body’s functions and are believed to be an evolutional form of bacteria that adapted into a symbiotic relationship with multi-celled life forms. The mitochondria have their own unique DNA, which is simpler and easier to analyze than the human DNA found in the nucleus. Mitochondrial DNA (usually abbreviated as mtDNA) is passed to offspring only through the woman’s egg. Thus, it is not a combination of male and female genes but a haploid gene, meaning that it has only one dose of chromosomes.Mitochondrial DNA
The haploid mitochondrial DNA shows only the female lineage of a person. Diploid genes are two sets of combined chromosomes, the female set coming from the egg, the male chromosomes from the sperm. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is categorized into several types and groups termed haplotypes and haplogroups. That is, there are variations in the genetic cycle of mitochondria that fit into clusters. These clusters can trace lineage far back into time. There are 39 different, distinct mtDNA groups into which all humans fit and there are variations on these types. While mtDNA analysis is not only easier than other forms of genetic testing, it has a further advantage. While all DNA mutates over time, mtDNA has a fairly steady rate of mutation that permits a reasonably accurate estimate of exactly when a particular group of people migrated from their primary group.Two important factors can be determined through analysis of mtDNA. First, a living person or the mtDNA from the remains of a deceased person can be tested to determine the specific racial group from which the individual came. Second, the approximate time when that individual’s ancestors migrated from their primary racial group can be determined
One way to view mtDNA testing is that it may be able to provide a racial family tree extending back to the beginning of humanity. The current idea in mtDNA analysis on the female side can eventually be traced back to a genetic “Eve.” The 39 types of mtDNA were presumably derived from this Eve. Whether this idea will be completely confirmed by research remains to be seen. Testing to date has confirmed several oral traditions passed down through many generations in several tribes. For example, the indigenous people of Hawaii and Polynesia have long asserted that their ancestors frequently traveled back and forth. Genetic testing showed that these two groups were related and confirmed the migratory legends of these peoples.Confirming the Siberian MigrationMigrationThe first research on living Native American tribes showed they were composed of four distinct mtDNA haplogroups called A, B, C, and D which means that the Native Americans are derived from four different lineages. These haplogroups were also found in native populations in Central and South America. Other mtDNA research utilizing ancient remains recovered in the Americas validated these four haplogroups. Three of these haplogroups, A, C, and D are found primarily in Siberian Asia. The B haplogroup, however, is found only in aboriginal groups in Southeast Asia, China, Japan, Melanesia, and Polynesia.Based on the mutations found in the mtDNA, most researchers think that groups A, C and D, entered America from Siberia across Beringia some time around 35.000 B.C. Group B, they assert, probably came to America from the South Pacific or Japan via boats. It is believed the B groups began this migration not long after the A, C, and D groups arrived. However, the majority of the B group arrived about 11,000 B.C. This leaves open the possibility of several migrations by the B group from different locations.It should be noted that a few geneticists have proposed that each of these haplogroups came in four separate migrations while many Clovis supporters argue that all the groups migrated together.An Unknown and Unexpected Migration Group ConfirmedNativeAmericanCouncilIn 1997, a fifth mtDNA haplogroup was identified in Native Americans. This
group, called X-2a is present in three percent of living Native Americans. Haplogroup X-2a was not found in Asia, but was found only in Europe and the Middle East where two to four percent of the population carry it. In those areas, the X haplogroup has primarily been found in parts of Spain, Bulgaria, Finland, Italy, and Israel. A few people with the X type have been identified in the Altasians tribe located in extreme southern Siberia in the Gobi Desert area. In addition, the ‘X’ type has now been found in the ancient remains of the Basque people.Archaeologists and geneticists are certain that the presence of X in America is of ancient origin and not the result of historic intermarriages. Among Native American tribes, the X-2a haplogroup has been found in small numbers in the Yakima, Sioux, and Navaho tribes. It has been found to a larger degree in the Ojibway, Oneonta, and Nuu-Chah-Nulth tribes. The X-2a haplogroup has also been discovered in ancient remains in Illinois near Ohio and a few areas near the Great Lakes. It has not yet been found in South or Central American tribes including the Maya. The X haplogroup appears to have entered America in limited numbers perhaps as long ago as 34,000 B.C. appearing in much greater numbers from 12,000 B.C. to 10,000 B.C.It is important to note that not all Native American tribes have been categorized by mtDNA analysis and that relatively few ancient remains have been tested.
MitochondrialDNA (mtDNA) haplogroup X testing led to the surprising hypothesis that some of the first Americans came from Europe thousands of years ago.The Origin of the Other HaplogroupsThe B haplogroup, found only in aboriginal groups in Southeast Asia, China, Japan, Melanesia, and Polynesia, may represent Cayce’s people of Mu. Both Chinese and Japanese archaeologists take the idea of Mu seriously, and the B haplogroup findings closely match the story Cayce told about the continent. Most of the people of Mu who escaped the destruction in 50,000 B.C. escaped to China, India, and Japan. Some time later, descendants of these peoples could have traveled to America. While Cayce said that some people from Mu entered the Americas about 50,000 B.C., he did not indicate that date as the time period when the majority of them came. We only know that it was after 50,000 B.C. and prior to 28,000 B.C.The Cayce readings do indicate that people entered the Americas from both the east and west in 28,000 B.C. from Atlantis, China, and from “across the Pacific.” The 28,000 B.C. date matches well with the haplogroups A, B, C, and D proposed dates of entry into America. The Cayce readings do have references to the Bering Straits, but Cayce did not relate that there were migrations across it. In fact, no one ever thought to ask him about this, so it remains an open question in the Cayce story. But the A, C, and D haplogroups clearly originated in Siberia just as the archaeologists have speculated. Cayce stated that the “yellow” or Mongol race of humanity originated in the Gobi and gradually spread throughout Asia. Thus, according to Cayce, haplogroups A, C, and D probably originated in the Gobi and would be the migrations Cayce cited as coming from across the Pacific.The Significance of mtDNA Research Into Iroquois DNA The mtDNA research confirms most of the other new findings in archaeology. The Americas were settled early and by many different racial groups. Several different waves of migration probably occurred. The initial wave seems to have occurred around 35,000 B.C. However, it may have been far earlier since some radiocarbon dates that have emerged from areas like California and the southwest point to 50,000 B.C. The picture mtDNA research findings paint of ancient America is astonishing. The widespread presence of the X type from Canada and Washington State, to Arizona, to the Plains, to the Great Lakes area, could indicate a wide initial dispersal. The X type in ancient America appears to be linked to the Iroquois.This tribe, of course, was, according to Cayce, partly the remnant of Atlantean survivors from its final destruction about 10,000 B.C. The finding of the X group in the north Gobi-dwelling Altasians is hailed as proof that all American migrations came from Siberia via the Bering Straits, yet it seems unlikely. With the X type being present in the Middle East, Europe, the ancient Basques, and America, a migration from the Gobi to all of these areas is doubtful.The Cayce readings cite a series of large and small migrations of Atlanteans to very specific parts of the world. These migrations occurred at several times, but especially during the years approaching 10,000 B.C. One of these places was to the Gobi in extreme southern Siberian Asia. If we assume that haplotype X originated from Cayce’s Atlantis, some of the X haplotype should be found in the Gobi region— but very little of this group should be found elsewhere in Siberia. This is what has been found
Iroquois Creation Cayce indicated that the largest migration from Atlantis occurred just before 10,000 B.C. The majority of these Atlantean survivors went to the Northeastern coastal areas of America and Canada becoming the Iroquois. It should be recalled that Cayce also stated that not all of the Iroquois were Atlantean. The Atlanteans migrating to the Americas merged with the people already present in America by that time. The Atlanteans became leaders of the tribes and Cayce’s story makes it clear that the Atlanteans had serious disputes among themselves that were reflected in ongoing violent conflict. This was the struggle between the Belial and Law of One groups. This is confirmed by the Iroquois’ ancient history that tells of constant battles resulting in distant displacements of entire tribes to ensure their survival. Perhaps the most astonishing confirmation of Cayce’s story of ancient America is the presence of haplogroup X. What is known is that the X haplogroup first showed up in America perhaps 34,000 years ago, but its main entry occurred in 10,000 B.C. matching Mr. Cayce’s time frame for Atlantean migrations. The X group also appears to have shown up in ancient Iberia and in the Basques about the same time as well as in the Gobi. These dates match Cayce’s story of the final two destructions of Atlantis and the resulting migrations to these areas.
My Communication with the Anunnaki ended up involving Crop Circles, I had a fascination with Crop Circles for a very long time and had viewed some documentaries on the subject so when the Anunnaki met me face to face in 2008 and communicated to me that they were once known as the Anunnaki and that I was once known as Ea-Enki, The Water Bearer, I asked them for confirmation.
In early 2009 I had asked them to encode the name Ea-Enki into a crop circle saying if you are who you say you are and I am who you say I am, encode the names Ea-Enki into a crop Circle and I would be sure to take notice My 2nd thought was what a silly request
😉 I imagined a huge crop circle with the name Enki written in it, what the heck was that going to prove? But then I thought if you are who you say you are you will figure it out and then I got cocky, I said while your at it, encode it also with something only I would be able to decode.
Please know that when I met the Anunnaki in 2008, there was no Ancient Aliens on TV, I didn’t even know what a Anunnaki was so them telling me I was once known as Ea-Enki made no sense to me at all.
So I sat backed and waited for my Magic Ea-Enki encoded crop circle to arrive.
After 2 years of waiting, in 2011 a crop circle in Italy showed up encoding the names Ea-Enki into a 7-Pointed Star Crop Circle and they also encoded it in something I would only be able to decode, I was guided to understand the relationship of the 7-Pointed Star inside the Ea-Enki Crop Circle to the 432 Hz subject that they also had been guiding me into.
That 51.428 Arc is forever tied to the seven pointed star which is related to 432 Hz based mathematics and physics, meaning the 7 pointed star is created by a 4 octaves below 432 frequency (27hz) as provable by today’s scientific cymatic imaging technology which makes frequency, the invisible visible for the first time.
“When Scientists learn that the seven-pointed star has a forward progression and recreates itself infinitely as a whole unit, there will be huge leaps in the progress of man.” – Native American Elder Bear Bearcloud
check out this Scientific Water Cymatic image of 4 octaves below 432 Hz (27 hz) being pumped through water.
The 27 Hz frequency (432 Hz Diaspan) makes a perfect 7-pointed star held in place by nothing but frequency!
360 degrees in a circle dived by 7 = 51.428
Since that time in 2011, Crop Circles have been an important tool between them and myself, a way for them to communicate truths regarding Cosmic Harmonious frequencies, the 7-Pointed Star, The Arc of the Covenant, 432 Hz physics & mathematics, and the new science of cymatics which makes the geometry of frequency visible for the first time
The method of using Crop Circles as a communication device between the Anunnaki and myself came to fruition this summer 2018 crop circle season starting June 4th 2018 and them giving me a crash course of the new life physics behind the 7-Pointed star and unlimited Free Energy.”
Let me share how I created the most important Crop Circles in this form of Anunnaki communication into what I call Anunnaki Energy Disks which I create then I will will fill in more detail.
The culmination of my communications with the Anunnaki via crop circles was the new, Seven-Petaled Seed of Life (second from the left) sacred geometry crop circle given to mankind for the first time ever in 2018!
I was going back and forth with the Anunnaki regarding the Arc of the Covenant 51.428 arc, the Seven-Pointed Star, and its relation to 432 Hz for what it all meant. I wondered, and I asked the Anunnaki what a Seven-Pointed Star created from mirrored 51.428 arcs as each petal of the Seven-Pointed Star would look like. They immediately laid this unknown, sacred geometry symbol into a field for me to see in July 2018 via this recent crop circle.
Somebody is trying to tell us something. If I had to guess, it's to show that 432 Hz = energy!
The revealing of the Divine Arc of the Covenent!
Thank you to my beloved Sarah Eau for helping me research all of this
The June 4th 2018 Enki 7-Pointed Star Crop Circle encodes the revelation!
A baktun is 20 katun cycles of the ancient Maya Long Count Calendar. It contains 144,000 days.
So one Baktun = 144,000 days
So I learned first off that the Mayan Calender ends after the 13th Baktun. This is because the 14th Baktun marks the entry into the next processional cycle being the Age of Aquarious
The 14th Baktun is actually the 1st Baktun of the Age Of Aquarious thus no 14th Baktun.
So I thought if the 14 Baktun marks the end of the Mayan Calender and the entry into the Age of Aquarious the thought occurred to me...
What is 144,000 × 14?
144,000 × 14 = 2016000
Or 2016!
This made my heart rejoice because Spirit had revealed this to me a few years back and this confirmation set the tone for the rest of the night.
OK, now on the the good stuff.
Arc of the Covenant
1. a part of the circumference of a circle or other curve.
Covenant. Literally, a contract. In the Bible (see also Bible), an agreement between Creator and his people, in which Creator makes promises to his people and, usually, requires certain conduct from them.
Early morning June 4th 2018, I began becoming kinda obsessed with relaying the importance of the relationship of 7-pointed star, 432Hz physics, cymatics, and crop circles.
I created this meme the early morning of June 4th 2018, I will share that in the responses below.
The day of June 4th the recent 7-POINTED STAR crop circle shows up!
Fast forward to last night, a voice kept telling me to get out of bed and divide a full circle by 7
As it turns out:
360÷7 = 51.428
I began looking into if 51.428 may be significant in any way.
As you can see in the drone video of this new June 4th crop circle, this land is just loaded with ancient mound sites.
This entire area long ago was one huge mound complex.
The largest of those mounds is in Avebury UK.
.. while the Avebury monument was built on a latitude (51.428) which is the result of 360/7. ... It is also coincidentally the same as the exterior angle of the Khafre Pyramid at Giza.
So wait a minute, the the 7-Pointed Star crop circle which is created by seven 51.428 Arc' s and is put right alongside a huge mound complex, the largest being Avebury is located on Latitude 51.428????
And the village of Dorset where this new crop circle showed up can't be an accident, Dorset Road runs the latitude 51.428
And the Arc 51.428 being encoded into the pyramids?
The Arc of the Covenant is 51.428
The Pyramid is actually 8 sided which can only be seen on two days of the year, the Spring and Fall Equinoxes.
Mind blowing in itself.
So if you think about it, there has to be more than one particular angle involved in its construction
I believe the 51.428 Angle is the hidden Arc of the Covenant knowledge encoded into the Pyramid which only reveals itself twice a year
360 degrees divided by 7 = 51.428
The 7-Pointed Star
which relates to the 432 HZ frequency
Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval in The Message of the Sphinx point out that "the relationship, in a scale of 1 : 43,200, that exists between the dimensions of the Pyramid and the dimensions of the earth. Setting aside for the moment the question of whether we are dealing with coincidence here, it is a simple fact, verifiable on any pocket calculator, that if you take the monument's original height (481.3949 feet) and multiply it by 43,200 you get a quotient of 3938.685 miles. This is an underestimate by just 11 miles of the true figure for the polar radius of the earth (3949 miles) worked out by the best modern methods. Likewise, if you take the monument's perimeter at the base (3023.16 feet) and multiply this figure by 43,200 then you get 24,734.94 miles - a result that is within 170 miles of the true equatorial circumference of the earth (24,902 miles). Moreover, although 170 miles sounds quite a lot, it amounts, in relation to the earth's total circumference, to a minus-error of only three quarters of a single per cent."
That 51.428 Ark is forever tied to the seven pointed star which is related to 432 based mathematics being the 7 pointed star is created by a 4 octaves below 432 frequency (27hz) as provable by today's scientific cymatic technology.
The only Arc that will ever produce the 432 based seven pointed star is 51.428
It was cool to receive this message from the Famous Colin Andrews! I have been a fan of Colin's work and research into crop circles for a very long time, so it's nice to be recognized by my peers so to speak 😉
"Some excellent work you have done with this Michael. (Recent Ea-Enki 7-pointed star crop circles relationship to 432 Hz proven through todays scientific cymatic technology) What do you think we should be doing with the 432 Hz?" - Colin Andrew
My answer to Collin.
The pryamid chamber's are tuned to 432, I think water can be separated into oxygen and hydrogen through resonance. I am starting to think this is the case.
Why the 7-POINTED Star is so important?
Think of E=MC2
432 squared = C in Einstein's equation
432 based frequency squared = C squared × mass = energy
I think 432 frequencies can lead us into unlimited free energy.
The 7- Pointed Star is created from a 4 octaves below the 432 Hz frequency (being a 27 Hz frequency) being pumped through a scientific cymatic device, a perfect 7-POINTED STAR is created from frequency alone!
"When Scientists learn that the seven-pointed star has a forward progression and recreates itself infinitely as a whole unit, there will be huge leaps in the progress of man.” – Native American Elder Bear Bearcloud
Why is the 7-POINTED STAR Enki's?
In 2011 for the first time ever a crop circle wàs left with it's makers signature encoded into at it in Ascii binary code which when decoded read EA-ENKI.
This crop circle was also based on a 7-Pointed star.
The World Map from Babylon (Anunnaki) is also based on a 7-Pointed Star 😉
Why the 7-POINTED Star is so important?
It guides us into 432 Hz mathematics
which will lead humanity into Unlimited Free Energy.
The pryamid chamber's are tuned to 432, I think water can be separated into oxygen and hydrogen through resonance. I am starting to think this is the case.
Think of E=MC2
432 squared = C in Einstein's equation
432 based frequency squared = C squared × mass = energy
I think 432 frequencies can lead us into unlimited free energy.
That last picture shows a A= 27 HZ (4 OCTAVES BELOW 432) scientific cymatic image creating the 7 pointed star!
(51.428... degrees). This 1/7th is connected to the 7 parts of the circle, and links to the anointed number 6.9444 which is Bruce Cathie's Reciprocal of Light Harmonic. How did we get this value of 6.9444.
This means that the Speed of Light expressed as 186,000 m/s is really 144,000 nautical miles per grid second or 144,000 minutes of arc per Earth grid second) in the vacuum of space. To get the reciprocal of the Speed of Light, on your calculator, divide 1 by 144 and you get .0069444.
In the world of Harmonics, we can slide the decimal to the left or to the right, and remove any zeroes. This .0069444 is connected to 6.9444 Harmonic
which is close to 7. Remember, the Pyramid Base Angle is approximately 1/7th of the full circle).
So OK, Wait another minute! 51.428 is also related to 144,000 which is the exact numbers of days in the Baktun Mayan Calender long count? which encircle this seven pointed star created by seven 51.428 Arcs?
It's all a interconnected system of checks and balances so when the divine Arc Of 51.428 is revealed to the world leading mankind into the Age of Aquarious, all of these synchronicities would be revealed revealing this is the true Arc of the Covenent.
As I have said, All around Earths Latitude line of 51.428 in the UK there are 7-Pointed Star and other Crop Circles showing up.
Somebody is trying to tell us something
something about Cosmic Physics and the 432 Hz frequency I believe..
I decided to look into all the reported crop Circles starting in 2009
sorted by Order found, Date, County,Town, Crop,
Map Coordinates.
What I have uncovered has been so startling to me that I don't think I am even going any further in this line of research, All the crop Circles in the UK are showing up around 51.428, They are ALL around Earths Latitude line 51.428.
1 14 April 2009 Wiltshire Avebury Oilseed rape 51.426769, -1.853218
2 19 April 2009 Wiltshire West Kennett Oilseed rape 51.425437, -1.853256
3 21 April 2009 Wiltshire West Kennett Oilseed rape 51.425437, -1.853256
4 23 April 2009 Wiltshire Avebury Oilseed rape 51.426769, -1.853218
5 24 April 2009 Wiltshire Morgan's Hill Oilseed rape 51.403330, -1.959740
6 25 April 2009 Wiltshire Liddington Castle Oilseed rape 51.516007, -1.700306
7 29 April 2009 Wiltshire Roundway Hill Oilseed rape 51.367748, -1.978504
8 03 May 2009 Wiltshire East Kennett Oilseed rape 51.406727, -1.831316
9 04 May 2009 Wiltshire Clatford Oilseed rape 51.404984, -1.770674
10 06 May 2009 Wiltshire All Cannings Oilseed rape 51.355853, -1.89488
11 09 May 2009 Wiltshire Swindon Oilseed rape 51.558418, -1.781985
12 10 May 2009 Wiltshire Roundway Devizes Oilseed rape 51.36806, -1.980812
13 24 May 2009 Wiltshire Barbury Castle Barley 51.485458, -1.786808
14 24 May 2009 Wiltshire Bishops Cannings 51.378264, -1.9485
15 24 May 2009 Wiltshire Windmill Hill 51.441528, -1.876216
16 29 May 2009 Oxfordshire Wayland's Smithy Barley 51.566599 -1.595996
17 01 June 2009 Wiltshire Beckhampton Barley 51.426769, -1.853218
18 02 June 2009 Wiltshire Milk Hill Barley 51.377160, -1.850559
19 02 June 2009 Wiltshire Milk Hill Barley 51.377160, -1.850559
20 03 June 2009 Wiltshire Yatesbury Barley 51.443646, -1.910184
21 05 June 2009 Wiltshire Chiseldon Barley 51.514499, -1.73567
22 08 June 2009 Wiltshire Bishops Cannings Barley 51.378264, -1.9485
23 12 June 2009 Oxfordshire Wayland's Smithy Barley 51.566599 -1.595996
24 12 June 2009 Wiltshire Yatesbury Barley 51.443646, -1.910184
25 13 June 2009 Wiltshire Tawesmead Copse Wheat 51.359303, -1.84243
26 13 June 2009 Wiltshire Milk Hill Barley 51.377160, -1.850559
27 14 June 2009 Wiltshire Barbury Castle Wheat 51.485458, -1.786808
28 15 June 2009 Wiltshire West Kennett Wheat 51.425437, -1.853256
29 17 June 2009 Wiltshire West Kennett Wheat 51.425437, -1.853256
30 19 June 2009 Wiltshire West Kennett Wheat 51.425437, -1.853256
31 20 June 2009 Wiltshire Waden Hill nr Avebury Wheat 51.426769, -1.853218
32 21 June 2009 Wiltshire Milk Hill Wheat 51.377160, -1.850559
33 21 June 2009 Wiltshire West Kennett Wheat 51.425437, -1.853256
34 22 June 2009 Wiltshire Milk Hill Wheat 51.377160, -1.850559
35 22 June 2009 Essex Rochford Wheat 51.583814, 0.707085
36 23 June 2009 Wiltshire Milk Hill Wheat 51.377160, -1.850559
37 24 June 2009 Wiltshire Winterbourne Bassett Wheat 51.472769, -1.851955
38 25 June 2009 Wiltshire Martinsell Hill Wheat 51.469394, -1.811907
39 27 June 2009 Wiltshire Alton Priors Wheat 51.359303, -1.84243
40 27 June 2009 Wiltshire Honeystreet Wheat 51.369316, -1.837120
41 27 June 2009 Wiltshire Milk Hill Wheat 51.377160, -1.850559
42 28 June 2009 Wiltshire Beckhampton Wheat 51.426769, -1.853218
43 28 June 2009 Wiltshire Beckhampton Linseed 51.426769, -1.853218
44 28 June 2009 Wiltshire Pewsey White Horse Wheat 51.323804, -1.759454
45 30 June 2009 Wiltshire Milk Hill Wheat 51.377160, -1.850559
46 01 July 2009 Wiltshire Waden Hill nr Avebury Wheat 51.426769, -1.853218
47 02 July 2009 Wiltshire Milk Hill Wheat 51.377160, -1.850559
48 04 July 2009 Wiltshire Beckhampton Wheat 51.426769, -1.853218
49 04 July 2009 Wiltshire Pewsey Wheat 51.337689, -1.767535
50 05 July 2009 Wiltshire Devizes Wheat 51.351982, -1.994756
51 05 July 2009 Wiltshire Silbury Hill Wheat 51.41543, -1.857584
52 05 July 2009 Wiltshire Stanton St. Bernard Wheat
51.361071, -1.863895
53 06 July 2009 Wiltshire Honeystreet Wheat
51.369316, -1.837120
54 07 July 2009 Wiltshire Clatford Wheat 51.404984, -1.770674
55 08 July 2009 Wiltshire Yatesbury Wheat 51.443646, -1.910184
56 09 July 2009 Warwickshire Chesterton Wheat 52.223821, -1.4879
57 09 July 2009 Wiltshire Stanton St. Bernard Wheat 51.361071, -1.863895
58 09 July 2009 Warwickshire Chesterton Wheat 52.223821, -1.4879
59 10 July 2009 Wiltshire All Cannings Wheat 51.355853, -1.89488
60 11 July 2009 Warwickshire Radford Wheat 52.431106, -1.51067
61 13 July 2009 Wiltshire All Cannings Wheat 51.355853, -1.89488
62 13 July 2009 Hampshire Chilcomb Down Wheat 51.056720, -1.257490
63 14 July 2009 Wiltshire Alton Barnes Wheat 51.358248, -1.848517
64 14 July 2009 Wiltshire Grey Wethers Wheat 51.431109, -1.804933
65 14 July 2009 Hampshire Hinton Admiral Wheat 50.757136, -1.712485
66 19 July 2009 Wiltshire Martinsell Hill Wheat 51.469394, -1.811907
67 19 July 2009 Wiltshire Liddington Castle Wheat 51.516007, -1.700306
68 22 July 2009 Wiltshire Woodborough Hill Wheat 51.337885, -1.847012
69 24 July 2009 Wiltshire Ogbourne Down Wheat 51.468980, -1.755065
70 25 July 2009 Wiltshire Alton Priors Wheat 51.359303, -1.84243
71 25 July 2009 Wiltshire Tawesmead Copse Wheat 51.359303, -1.84243
72 28 July 2009 Wiltshire Winterbourne Bassett Wheat 51.472769, -1.851955
73 29 July 2009 Wiltshire Ogbourne St. Andrews Wheat 51.454574, -1.757801
74 31 July 2009 Wiltshire Hackpen Hill Wheat 51.472188, -1.816735
75 31 July 2009 Wiltshire Winterbourne Bassett Wheat 51.472769, -1.851955
76 31 July 2009 Wiltshire Waden Hill nr Avebury Wheat 51.426769, -1.853218
77 01 August 2009 Wiltshire Morgan's Hill Wheat 51.403330, -1.959740
78 02 August 2009 Wiltshire Alton Priors Wheat 51.359303, -1.84243
79 03 August 2009 Wiltshire Silbury Hill Wheat 51.41543, -1.857584
80 03 August 2009 Oxfordshire Rollright Stones Wheat 51.97489, -1.569024
81 03 August 2009 Oxfordshire Rollright Stones Wheat 51.97489, -1.569024
82 04 August 2009 Staffordshire Wheaton Aston Wheat 52.711359, -2.220683
83 06 August 2009 Wiltshire Windmill Hill Wheat 51.441528, -1.876216
84 06 August 2009 Wiltshire Yatesbury Wheat 51.443646, -1.910184
85 08 August 2009 Wiltshire West Overton Wheat 51.411166, -1.813663
86 08 August 2009 Wiltshire Alton Priors Wheat 51.359303, -1.84243
87 08 August 2009 Wiltshire Alton Priors Wheat 51.359303, -1.84243
88 09 August 2009 Hampshire Bishop Sutton Wheat 51.083773, -1.135929
89 10 August 2009 Wiltshire Woodborough Hill Wheat 51.337885, -1.847012
90 10 August 2009 Oxfordshire Wayland's Smithy Wheat 51.566599 -1.595996
91 15 August 2009 Dorset Weymouth Wheat 50.608794, -2.454146
92 16 August 2009 Wiltshire Tidcombe Wheat 51.323789, -1.585382
93 29 August 2009 Oxfordshire Wayland's Smithy Maize 51.566599 -1.595996
Update on current revelations and messages being given to me by friends in high places.
As you know, I was guided to understand the connection between a seven pointed star and the Arc 0f the Covenant 51.428,
360 divided by 7 = 51.428
And then then to realize there are 7-Pointed Star Crop Circles appearing right now along Earths 51.428 Latitude line.
so in my mind I kept seeing a circle in my mind and see the first arc 51.428 highlighted in red
I thought...
A. what would that 51.428 Arc look like if it were removed from the circle so to speak and were mirrored with itself to form an "eye" shape? An actual "eye" created from the 51.428 Arc.
Then my next thought was I wonder what a Seven pointed star created from these 51.428 Divine Arc "Eyes" would look like?
Then the crop circle in photo one showed up answering my question.
I wanted to see the seven pointed star created by these 7 arcs completed so picture #2 shows this result
What they have revealed to me about all of this is just about at the furtest ability of my being able to understand it.
what I want to say is that everything we as a race and understand is connected to the "Seed Of Life" Sacred Geometry and it's relationship with physical reality.
This Seed Of Life Sacred Symbol is created from 7 circles
(See picture #4) This crop circle showed up in 2010 and was encoded with E=mc2 in Binary code and is obviously related to the "seed Of Life"
This version of the Seed of life is also related to the whole 432 Hz subject, a D=36Hz (432 Diaspan) created this "seed of Life" geometry!
Then the crop circle in picture #1 showing up answering my question.
This 7 51.428 Arc "Eyes" as the 7 pointed star is showing us a entirely new "Seed OF Life" configuration unknown to mankind. ( See Picture #6)
I have been told mankind is about to evolve out of Human Version 1.0 created from the 6 pointed star "Seed Of Life" to Human Version 3.0 which will be created from this new 7 pointed star "Seed Of life" Sacred Geometry
Both 6 and 7 pointed star "Seeds of life" geometries are both created from 7 circles and nothing more than Vesica Piscis geometry.
In the 6 pointed star version, one circle is in the middle and the other 6 are surrounding it.
The new 7-pointed Star "Seed Of Life" is also created by 7 circles but these 7 all form the actual circle with no middle so to speak.
It's like nature is evolving and we are being given the blueprint.
Interesting as well, divide a circle and you get the Arc of the Covenant 51.428
But multiply a circle by 7 and you will either come of with the 6-pointed star SEED OF LIFE or the 7 pointed star SEED OF LIFE depending how your 7 circles are placed.
OK, This is getting a little strange.
As I have revealed, The Anunnaki have guided me to understand that recent 7-Pointed Star Crop Circles have been appearing on and all around the Earth Latitude line of 51.428
Which is also directly related to the 7 Pointed Star, 360/7=51.428
And that is related to the 432 Hz subject matter.
I don't talk about this much but I have also been recognized as Arch Angel Michael or Ea by the Native American Indians in my official naming ceremony as Rainbow Warrior Eagle .
“Wimunke” means ‘Rainbow’. The ‘n’ is a nasal sound, like in the word ‘IN’. “Akicita”, (Ah-Kee-Chee-Tah) is Warrior, “Wambdi” (Wahm-Bdee) is ‘Eagle’. The ‘Eagle Nation’ is the Spirit that gave you the name, which is why it is at the end of your ‘Gift’. “Akicita Wimunke’ Wambdi” You are: “Rainbow Warrior Eagle”. Hau! Pray well and know the Spirit acknowledges your Spirit as this name and will carry your prayers with great enthusiasm to the Creator’s Heart.” – Chief Blue Star Eagle
They also returned Archangel Michael's sword to me, telling me it had been in their safe keep for a very long time and it was a crystal sword made by the same process as the ancient crystal skulls.
I know this all sounds bat shit crazy but the Sword is sitting in Sarah and my living room as I am typing this, I have posted a few pictures of it here not really disclosing what it truly was because I know what it sounds like, and I have never associated myself with Arch Angel Michael but I thought it was interesting to me that the Native American Indian Elders thought so.
Well what I just found out about that 51.428 Latitude Ley Line kinda blew my mind.
Looking into all of this now, that I would share and perhaps we can figure some of this out together.
The Avebury circle is sited on the latitude 51.428° North, (Which is also the result of 360°/7)
It is known as 'St. Michaels' ley-line
WTF right?
Avebury, Stonehenge and Glastonbury form a right angled triangle accurate to within 1/1000. The 'St. Michaels' ley-line from Glastonbury to Avebury coincides with the Mayday sunrise, crossing the longest possible stretch of Southern Britain. The ley runs from St. Michael's mount to Brent tor, Cadbury, Trull, Creech St Michael, Lyng, Othery, Burrowbrigde, Glastonbury, Buckland dingham, Avebury, Ogbourne St George, East Hendred and Bury St Edmonds (All these sites have or had churches dedicated to the dragon-killing Saints Michael and George).
I tried to imagine this symbol in my 3-rd eye. I wondered and asked spirit what this 51.428 Arc would look like mirrored with itself and what it would look like arranged as a 7-pointed star?

My friends in high places put this seven pointed star symbol made of these mirrored 51.428 arcs into a crop circle the very next day in July 2018.
What I did not know is that I actually invoked the seal of the Seven Archangels!

Can't make this shit up ;-)
Stay Tuned ;-)
Man I think I have cracked something, perhaps my head.
I think I just proved GOD or All That Is's existence and that we truly live in a designed or programmed world.
The key factors are:
A. 60 and 12 based math - Sumerian and Babylonian mathematics which was based on a sexegesimal, or base 60, numeric system, which could be counted physically using the twelve knuckles on one hand the five fingers on the other hand.
B - Time itself
C - The Earth’s 25,920-year precessional cycle
D. - The physics of the creation of our own solar system
E . - And how A,B,C, and D are all encoded with 432 Hz mathematics and physics,
I am trying to get this all out of my head and this is happening in real time so bare with me.
60 and 12 based math
First off 12 X 60 = 720 (72 - remember this number for later)
The idea of dividing large whole units by 12 is a common theme the Ancients left us with, smaller divisions would be by 60
1 second X 60 = 1 minute
1 minute X 60 = 1 Hour
One hour X 12 = 12 hours of day & 12 hours of night, AM and PM
how many seconds are in 12 hours?
43,200 (432)
How many seconds are in an entire day?
86,400 (864 - 1 octave above 432)
C - The Earth’s 25,920-year precessional cycle
25,920 - year precessional cycle
divided by 60 = 432
25,920 - year precessional cycle
divided by 12 = 2160 (216 - 1 octave below 432)
The Precession of the equinoxes = 25,920 yrs = (360° rotation)
If the sky is divided into 12 constellations:
(25,920 / 12 = 2,160)
(Note: 6 x 10 x 6 = 360 and 360 x 6 = 2,160)
A New sign appears on the horizon each 2,160 yrs (30°)
Note: (2 x 2,160 or 12 x 360 = 4,320 yrs)
Therefore to move 1° on the horizon = 72 yrs. (approx).
The following numbers can therefore be regarded as precessionary cycle encoded numbers:
(12 ... 30 ... 72 ... 360 ... 2,160 ... 4,320 and 25,920)
72? First off 12 X 60 = 720 (72 - remember I said remember this number for later)
D. - The physics of the creation of our own solar system
The diameter of the sun is 864,000 miles (2 x 432). The diameter of the moon is 2160 miles (432/2).
The diameter of the sun is 864,000 miles (2 x 432). The diameter of the moon is 2160 miles (432/2).
When I tell you that 432 Hz squared becomes light and our reality is entirely made up of this light, this is not new age mumbo jumbo, It's science fact.
Let me explain, Pythagoras figured out how to find the lower accurate octave freuency or Hertz.
just divide any given frequency by 2
So middle A= 432 Hz
One octave below A = 432 HZ would be 432 divided by 2 or 216 Hz
Two octaves below A= 432 HZ would be 216 Hz divided by 2 or 108 Hz
So 432 216 108 54 27 are all octaves of A= 432 Hz
Please remember these numbers of 216 & 108 (Lower Octaves of 432 HZ)
so this is a cool coincidence:
The dimensions of the great pyramid correspond to
the dimensions of our planet at a scale o1 to 432,000 (great pyramid : earth @ 1 : 432,000 scale)
Original height of great pyramid = 481.3949 feet
481.3949 feet * 432,000 = 207,962,596.8 feet = 3,938.685 miles
3,938.685 miles = polar radius of earth (minus about 11 miles, or an error of about 0.2%)
Base perimeter of great pyramid = 3,023.16 feet
3,023.16 feet * 432,000 = 1,306,005,120 feet = 24,734.94 miles
24,734.94 miles = equatorial circumference of earth ( minus about 70 miles, or an error of about 0.6%)
(note: the accurate calculation of the dimensions of the earth are typically credited to Eratosthenes around 300-200 B.C.; also suspicious of this claim now too)
432 & 9 ...and Time?
let's start with 432
24 hours in a day
12 hours in half a day
720 minutes in half a day
4320 seconds in half a day
Seconds in a minute = 60
minutes in an hour = 60
60 * 432 = 25,920
(interesting fact: another strange coincidence [just one of many that include the moon] is that if the sun were not 400x larger than the moon, and ALSO 400x further away from earth than the moon is, we would not have total solar eclipses or total lunar eclipses)
approximate speed of light = 186,000 miles per second
432 * 432 = 186,624 (an error of about 0.1%)
E . - And how A,B,C, and D are all encoded with 432 Hz mathematics and physics,
I have proved all this above,
There is no doubt we are living in a 432 Hz "programmed reality" from the time system we use to the Earth's 25,920 - year precessional cycle to the actual dimensions of the celestial objects in our solar system that was created, or programmed.
Programmed by what or whom?
Ah there's the rub.
The 432 Hz connection between the Processional Cycle and hyper dimensional physics, how energy works and flows through multiple dimensions and how it's all coded into the Processional Cycle.
When I met the Anunnaki for the first time in 2008, they communicated to me that their own succession of Kingship and how the Anunnaki related to mankind is all related to the Processional Cycle so you know. They told me that is why the entry into the Age of Aquarius was so important and prophesied by past civilizations.
When I recently interviewed recently with Nasa's Richard Hoagland he communicated...
"Michael Lee Hill's 432 Hz based Numerical values which turn out to be the SAME “key numbers” marking the Earth’s 25,920-year precessional cycle… and thus, the same key numbers crucial to the cyclic activation of Hyperdimensional Physics on Earth!"
He told me NASA has been studying Hyperdimensional physics, or how energy works and flows through multiple dimensions for a long time and how they have come to the conclusion the keys to Hyperdimensional Physics are encoded into Earths 25,920 - year precessional cycle
How can this be, who was around along to take note of the 25,920 - year precessional cycle?
How did it end up how we divide time?
Living Water is a form of Aether or Holy Spirit energy. This water is also connected to Thoth and his Emerald Tablets.
“The water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of living water, welling up into eternal life (John 7:38)
Take a look at the Intro section of my Face Book Page for the ancient name Maitreya ;-) I don't speak on this often but it's been there for years now ;-)
Maitreya as the dispenser of the 'Water of Life of Aquarius'. His is the task to transmit these waters of life: as physical life, nourishing the very cells of our bodies; as a new livingness — love and light within our hearts; and as life more abundantly — love, light and power within and above the head of the disciple of the Christ, enabling him to cooperate more fully with the Plan issuing from Shamballa, the 'Centre where the Will of God is known.
"I come that men may have life and that life more abundantly."
Maitreya as the dispenser of the 'Water of Life of Aquarius'
Maitreya will perform one of his major tasks in the new time ahead. As he so eloquently puts it in Message No. 42:
"Many times have you heard me say that my coming means change.
Specifically, the greatest change will be in the hearts and minds of men, for my return among you is a sign that men are ready to receive new life.
That new life for men do I bring in abundance.
On all the planes this life will flow, reaching the hearts and souls and bodies of men, bringing them nearer to the source of life itself.
My task will be to channel those waters of life through you. I am the water carrier. I am the vessel of truth.
That truth shall I reveal to you and lift you into your true nature.
I am the river.
Through me flows the new stream of God-given life, and this shall I bestow on you.
Thus shall we together walk through my garden, smell the perfume of my flowers, and know the joy of closeness to God.
My friends, these things are not dreams. All of this will be yours. My mission will vouchsafe this to you."
His is the task to transmit these waters of life: as physical life, nourishing the very cells of our bodies; as a new livingness — love and light within our hearts; and as life more abundantly — love, light and power within and above the head of the disciple of the Christ, enabling him to cooperate more fully with the Plan issuing from Shamballa, the 'Centre where the Will of God is known.
The Anunnaki's Enki's description from Zacharia Sitchin
Enki, the great chief scientist of the Anunnaki, was the leader of the first team of Anunnaki to come to Earth. His name, EN.KI, meant “Lord of Earth” in Sumerian. But that title was granted to him only later, after the arrival of his half-brother Enlil (EN.LIL = “Lord of the Command”). The original Epithet-name of Enki was E.A., commonly taken to mean “He whose home is water.”
Enki was depicted by the Sumerians as a seated deity outpouring streams of water (see PIC).
Remember the song Aquarius. "When the moon is in the 7th house and Jupiter aligns with Mars than peace will guide the planet, and love will steer the stars. This is the dawning of The Age of Aquarius. Harmony and understanding, sympathy and trust abounding. No more falsehoods or derisions. Golden living dreams of visions, mystic crystal revelation, and the mind's true liberation. Aquarius!
"The zodiacal cycle returns to exactly the same spot every 25,920 years. So we are now leaving the Age of Pisces. Enki was the prototype god of Aquarius. Whether this means that it is all going to happen again the Enki is coming back, I don’t know There are a lot of signaling and signs that all point in that direction." - Zecharia Sitchin
Jesus was the one to announce...
Mark 14:13
And He sent two of His disciples and said to them, "Go into the city, and a man will meet you carrying a pitcher of water; follow him;
In Luke 22:10 it reads
And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he entereth in.
What a strange little verse.
How many people would have been bearing a "pitcher" of water in the city?
Why would you "follow him into his house"?
Well If you understand anything about Astrology you would understand quite easily what the verse means.
The symbol of the house of the zodiac that follows pieces (Jesus representing the two fishes) (in this precession) is that of a man bearing a pitcher of water, The symbol represents Aquarius. The New Age.
Enki, the great chief scientist of the Anunnaki, was the leader of the first team of Anunnaki to come to Earth. His name, EN.KI, meant “Lord of Earth” in Sumerian. But that title was granted to him only later, after the arrival of his half-brother Enlil (EN.LIL = “Lord of the Command”). The original Epithet-name of Enki was E.A., commonly taken to mean “He whose home is water.”
Enki was depicted by the Sumerians as a seated deity with outpouring streams of water coming from the shoulders as well as holding buckets or pitchers of water as well
Which his disciples asked him about his return and Jesus said I will be with you till the end of the age.
Matt. 21:20 teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
What age? The age of Pieces. Then comes the age of Aquarius, the age of Enki, The man bearing a pitcher of water.
The Maitreya is known by another name which is Enki of the Anunnaki - Preparing The Way
The Anunnaki's Enki's description from Zacharia Sitchin
Enki, the great chief scientist of the Anunnaki, was the leader of the first team of Anunnaki to come to Earth. His name, EN.KI, meant “Lord of Earth” in Sumerian. But that title was granted to him only later, after the arrival of his half-brother Enlil (EN.LIL = “Lord of the Command”). The original Epithet-name of Enki was E.A., commonly taken to mean “He whose home is water.”"But when you ask Michael if he is ENKI, his answer is both yes and no. He said to me: "I have lived in many incarnations; one as a monk in Tibet", but he is quite certain that he is the Maitreya the world has been waiting for. He tells me that ENKI and Maitreya are just two different labels for the same incarnating 'Soul/Higher Self (Oversoul)'. He says he is Michael, he is ENKI, and he is Maitreya as well. "I have had many, many names. What I am is nameless, but not voiceless", he says.
He explains further that he is ENKI's counterpart here on Earth, and if we look up the definition of 'counterpart' we find one definition saying: "one of two parts that fit, complete, or complement one another." That would probably be our best definition, meaning that ENKI as a full being is the Higher Self, the Oversoul. This Oversoul can then split herself into different fragments in order to live different incarnations," - Wes Penre (November 17, 2012)
The Anunnaki, they are even mentioned in the Bible three times – in Job 9:9 and 38:31, and Amos 5:8. The royal Anunnaki – Anu, Enki, Enlil – originate from the Sirius, Orion, and Pleiadian star systems; hence some Anunnaki also classify themselves as Pleiadians. The Pleiadians are the closest to Earthlings in terms of the way they look, which is not surprising as they are our creators. The group of extraterrestrials from Sirius, Orion, and the Pleiades are known as the Sirian Group.
Enki’s mother was descended from Pleiadians. And do you know how the name Pleiades came about? According to the Hopi, a Native American tribe whose knowledge of Earth’s history is highly esteemed by scholars from across the globe and other Native American Indians, Enki was called Ea or EADA, Grandfather, meaning “The Creator”, because it is he who created mankind. His other title was BA-AL (also rendered BA-EL or PAAL), which means “LORD FATHER”, that is, Father of Mankind. The term “Pleiades” is the English version of PAAL-EA-DAUS, meaning “Place of Our Lord Father the Creator”. In other words, the Pleiades are named after Enki!
Feels good to have what the Anunnaki have been guiding me into regarding 432 HZ leading to unlimited free energy for mankind being proven by today's leading science!
The 432 Hz Energy Disk magical ability to restructure water confirmed by leading Biophysicist Beverly Rubik, Ph.D.
Effects: Water Treatment by Michael Lee Hill’s 432 Hz Energy Disk on Water Observed Using High Voltage Electrophotography November 2018
This is an exploratory pilot study to test three types of drinking water treated by the 432 Hz disk: Municipal tap water in Emeryville, California, and two commercially available bottled drinking waters. The purpose was to test whether the technology in the disk may structure water as seen by changes in the light pattern emitted from the waters as induced by high voltage electrophotography.
Materials and Methods
Two types of commercially available bottled drinking waters were utilized: Evian® Natural Spring Water (Danone Corporation, Paris, France), and Flow® Water (Flow Beverages, Inc.,Ontario, Canada), as well as municipal tap water in Emeryville, California. The disk was placed under glass beakers containing 40 ml of each type of water for 15 to 50 minutes and then tested compared to control (untreated) water of the same type. The GDV (gas discharge visualization) Camera Pro, a type of digital high-voltage electrophotography, with analytical software was employed. This device is widely known and used in research to explore the energetic properties of the human biofield, structured waters, and other materials. The hanging drop method was employed. A single drop of each water sample was suspended from a 1 ml syringe directly above the electrified glass plate of the camera. Each sample was exposed for 1 second duration to a sequence of high frequency, high voltage electrical impulses to excite it to emit light in the form of a corona discharge. Digital photographs of the corona discharge were captured on a computer. Camera voltage was maintained at 15 kV with a frequency of 1000 Hz. The light pattern, an induced corona discharge, which was emitted from each electrified water droplet was registered by a charge-coupled detector (CCD) of the GDV camera. The digital photograph of each light pattern was analyzed using image processing and parametric analysis. Six images were made for each sample droplet at each time point. The photographs were analyzed for area (numbers of pixels of illumination), intensity (brightness of light), fractality (related to numbers of discrete sparks of light), and entropy (relative disorder). Values of these variables were compared for treated vs. untreated waters (controls) in controlled experiments. T-tests were used to compare the average parametric values.
Municipal tap water
a. Municipal tap water in Emeryville, California Control
b. Municipal tap water in Emeryville, California Control after being placed on top of a 432 Hz Energy Disk
Canadian Spring Water
a.. Flow® Canadian Spring Water (Flow Beverages, Inc.,Ontario, Canada) Control
b. Flow® Canadian Spring Water (Flow Beverages, Inc.,Ontario, Canada) after being placed on top of a 432 Hz Energy Disk
Evian® Natural Spring Water
a. Evian® Natural Spring Water Control (untreated)
b.. Evian® Natural Spring Water after being placed on top of a 432 Hz Energy Disk
The intensity of the light pattern was the parameter most influenced by disk treatment of all 3 waters. Intensity of the light increased significantly for 2 of the 3 waters and showed a trend of increasing for the 3rd water. The area of the light pattern tended to decrease upon disk treatment, which was significantly reduced for the two bottled waters. Fractality and entropy of the light patterns were unaffected by disk treatment.
The observed decrease in the area of the light pattern along with an increase in light intensity suggests that the light pattern becomes narrower and more focused upon disk treatment. This has never before been observed in water studies on other imprinted products designed to structure water. Such products typically increase both the area and intensity of the light pattern. It is unknown to us what materials the disk is constructed from, or how the disk was imprinted. Therefore, we cannot speculate on the results obtained. - Biophysicist Beverly Rubik, Ph.D.
Note from Michael Lee Hill: Check out this video on structured water to find out why this is such a game changer and so important.
Note from Michael Lee Hill: Check out this video from leading Biophysicist on water and the Biological Field!